I am a huge Liverpool fan. I have been for as long as I remember. I’m excited the season starts this weekend. Now that the English Premier League games are shown in the U.S., I try to watch whenever I can. I know soccer, and especially the Premier League, are really popular in other parts of the world. Do you watch soccer? Who is your team? Or do you prefer to watch other sports? Share your thoughts on Twitter or Facebook!
Book I read this week: 101 Ways to Open a Speech: How to Hook Your Audience From the Start With an Engaging and Effective Beginning
by Brad Phillips. I’ve taken a media training course taught by Brad and have read his book The Media Training Bible: 101 Things You Absolutely, Positively Need To Know Before Your Next Interview
. I knew from those experiences that his latest book about public speaking would be invaluable. In it, he offers in an enormous array of speech openings. You can choose different ones based on your speech’s theme or your audience. I intend to use it as a reference whenever I prepare a talk. You should get a copy to prepare for your talks too!
Book I’m reading next week: David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants
by Malcolm Gladwell. I’m in awe of his ability to take what appears to be a straightforward subject and look at it in a unique, counterintuitive way. I’m excited to read his latest book.
Here are some really interesting articles this week!
Sports Medicine
This is not a sport I would have thought had many injuries: Disc Golf, a Growing Sport by Joseph T. Nelson, Richard E. Jones, Michael Runstrom, and Jolene Hardy in OJSM
Review of treatments for a very common knee ailment: Proximal muscle rehabilitation is effective for patellofemoral pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis by Simon Lack, Christian Barton, Oliver Sohan, Kay Crossley, and Dylan Morrissey in British Journal of Sports Medicine
Experts explain heart risks during exercise. Worth a read, even if you are physically fit: An Unexpected Death Rattles the Fitness Community by Gretchen Reynolds in The New York Times
I agree that there is a role for online information and communities in healthcare: A Google search can make all the difference in the world for patients by Wendy Sue Swanson in KevinMD.com
Exercise and Fitness
If you don’t like strength training but know you need to do it, you might read this one: The Minimum Amount You Can Strength Train and Still See Results by Erin Kelly in Greatist
Does music help you exercise? New music strategy shows 70 percent increase in exercise adherence by University Health Network in Medical News Today
Youth Sports
Great article discussing five goals more important than winning in youth sports: 5 Signs of Success in Sports by Rick Traugott in The Hockey Coach 14
Thoughts on the risks of single-sport specialization: Video shows what happens when “play” becomes “practice” in Active For Life
Did you like one of these articles or books? Do you have any others to share? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!
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