I helped to moderate a STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat March 19, 2014. This month we focused on the role of athletic trainers in youth sports. The post below is a summary of that discussion.

For those of you unfamiliar with tweetchats, people answer questions posed by the moderator and comment on other tweets using the hashtag specified – in this case #SportsSafety. It often starts slowly but it can become difficult to follow when many people get involved and respond to many different questions and comments. This month’s chat was especially lively with tweets from athletic trainers from all over the country!

If you enjoy fast-paced discussions about important sports medicine, healthcare, and social media topics, join us for future #SportsSafety tweetchats. We usually hold these chats on the second Wednesday of each month.

STOP Sports Injuries

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Tonight we chat about ATCs and youth sports, going off a Q&A. Remember to include the #SportsSafety tag – and welcome!

KristiLee ‏@kmessina15
SportsSafety @DrDavidGeier Hi Everyone! I’ll be in an out until I get home πŸ™‚ excited for tonight! #SportsSafety

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
Hi all! #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety Here everyone! #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC Hi Brad! How’s everything in Ohio? #SportsSafety

jaskll ‏@MonicaSteinborn
Happy Wednesday all #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Let’s get going with Q1: What roles do athletic trainers play in helping young athletes? #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@carrie_boan @SportsSafety Carrie, I read your blog post. Great work! Very applicable to this crowd too… #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@ssd_ATC I wasn’t sure if you would be stuck covering HS games tonight. Glad you could join! #SportsSafety

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
@drdavidgeier Early night…finally!! #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety Thank you, I’ll be sure to share. I’m very passionate about youth athletes and peds #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC Yes it was a chilly 50 degrees. How did you know?! I guess I can’t complain. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety A1: Huge role at the HS level, IMO. Curious to hear if the ATs here are involved in youth events before HS too. #SportsSafety

A1: ATs provide immediate & consistent care, prevention, education. Unique position of knowing athletes affect is key #sportssafety

KristiLee ‏@kmessina15
@SportsSafety A1: I think we play a vital role in injury prevention & also first to respond in maj inj! #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@SportsSafety Looking at the domains of AT education will tell you injury prevention, recognition, treatment, rehab, etc. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC That just made my day! #SportsSafety

Dr. Jeff Russell ‏@choreohealth
β€œ@SportsSafety: A1: Often athletic trainers are the first healthcare provider an athlete sees. #SportsSafety”

Dan McIntosh ‏@MSPARsports
Teaching good habits for injury prevention. Warm-up, core and RTC activation #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
A1: prompt access to emergent care, address acute injuries onsite, prevention, follow-up, communicate w/coach, parent, MD #SportsSafety

Mike Bennett – PSC ‏@MBennettPSC
Coaches set the tone for safety. Athletes in youth practice should be active throughout practice. Keep practice agendas #sportssafety

A1: Feel the ATs influence on education on younger population is underrated #sportssafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @MSPARsports Teaching good habits for injury prevention. Warm-up, core and RTC activation #SportsSafety

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
A1: We do a bit of sports performance/injury prevention type things in addition to the usual AT job #SportsSafety

jaskll ‏@MonicaSteinborn
Their sounding board and their shoulder to cry on as well #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@SportsSafety I have contracts that cover all organized teams in elementary school and MS in our district. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@MSPARsports Dan, do you think coaches/parents recognize what you do for injury prevention? They might not realize that part. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@kujoatc75 @SportsSafety I’m sure they are grateful you’re there to help. Most youth sports don’t have coverage, it seems. #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@HannaHromulak And miss the #SportsSafety chat?

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
Sorry I’m late tonight! #SportsSafety Just got home from dinner after a very cold softball game!

A1: ATs in a district can become community pillars given varied groups they interact with. Fosters compliance & respect #sportssafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Going off that first one (and keeping it simple), Q2: How can and do ATCs directly affect player safety on/off the field? #SportsSafety

Dr. Jeff Russell ‏@choreohealth
A1: ATs are also often advocates or facilitators for athletes with other healthcare providers #sportssafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@MonicaSteinborn You probably have more of a relationship with the athletes than the coaches. Definitely more than the doctors #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@mnhopper1s Wow…incredibly cold. Welcome, sir. #SportsSafety

KristiLee ‏@kmessina15
@SportsSafety A2: we are and advocate and voice for our athletes! #bethereforthem #sportssafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@MSPARsports That makes sense. You have to interact with the younger athletes differently, I’d think. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety A2: #ATs are THE premier responder to on-field injuries. Perfect example: Richard Peverly. #AT4ALL #SportsSafety

A2: ensure safe field & environmental conditions. Recognize early signs of potential injury/illness. Advocate 4 proper play #sportssafety

Kasey Zibton ‏@kayzee_ATC
I agree with @kmessina15. I can’t tell you how many times I walk by the batting cages and yell at them to put helmets on. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety Probably 45ish and windy! #SportsSafety But time to play ball!

EPA4SportsSafety ‏@EPA4SS
@SportsSafety A2: ATC should be the unequivocal, most honest gatekeeper and guardian of athlete safety #sportssafety

Elite Injury Mgmt ‏@EliteInjuryMgmt
A2: By being there, They can see what happens on the field. Off the field by educating, prevention and correct management #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
A2: prevention is key to their player safety affect on/off the field #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety #ATtalk had an entire hour dedicated to #EAPs the other night… suggest you check that out RE: Q2… πŸ™‚

Mike Bennett – PSC ‏@MBennettPSC
@SportsSafety in youth sports its nice to have a trainer so it takes the parent out of return to play decision. #sportssafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @EPA4SS @SportsSafety A2: ATC should be the unequivocal, most honest gatekeeper and guardian of athlete safety #sportssafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@kayzee_ATC My coaches are fantastic about helmets in the cages. I never have issues. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @MBennettPSC in youth sports its nice to have a trainer so it takes the parent out of return to play decision. #sportssafety

Kasey Zibton ‏@kayzee_ATC
A2: I also think they know we will “go to bat for them”. Stick up for them when no one else will. #SportsSafety

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
A2: We can help athletes and coaches focus on injury prevention to minimize some injuries #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@JSsportsmed @SportsSafety Is a different skill set involved with the different age groups and skill levels of athletes? #SportsSafety

Dan McIntosh ‏@MSPARsports
A2: off field, education re seriousness of injuries ie #concussions can help respect bt athletes on field #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@mnhopper1s Heard about it…couldn’t “be” a part of it unforch. Will do, though! #SportsSafety

Dr. Jeff Russell ‏@choreohealth
A2: Need to be visible, personable, approachable…an ambassador, really. Then youth and parents will listen. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @choreohealth A2: Need to be visible, personable, approachable…an ambassador, really. Then youth and parents will listen. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@DrDavidGeier As I’m learning more about pediatrics, I think it is quite different than standard AT education #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@DrDavidGeier More patience on the part of the AT with parents who still have stars in their eyes? #SportsSafety

Elite Injury Mgmt ‏@EliteInjuryMgmt
@sportssafety It is also hard to say as our whole job is athlete safety on and off the field #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC I’d think so. Plus I’d think younger kids need more encouragement and reassurance. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC Hey, @carrie_boan what do you think? Do parents have stars in their eyes? #SportsSafety

Dr. Jeff Russell ‏@choreohealth
Learned from a peds ortho friend: “The child is not your only patient!” Parents are important. All decisions are, too! #sportssafety

Kasey Zibton ‏@kayzee_ATC
Education of the parent. How many times do we leave the Dr office not knowing what’s wrong with us? Take the time to explain #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@choreohealth That’s a good way of thinking! #SportsSafety Same at high school level. Quite a task at times!

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@kayzee_ATC Definitely! #SportsSafety Seen that many times where kids dont have any idea b/c the HCP didn’t explain…

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Taking on Q3: How can organizations and communities (better) support the presence of ATCs in sports? #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@DrDavidGeier There are more kids that will cry over a bump that need encouragement, but coaches don’t know difference. #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@DrDavidGeier youth are all at various growth stages, mental stages, different motivational levels. case by case with peds πŸ™‚ #SportsSafety

Kasey Zibton ‏@kayzee_ATC
A3: step up and say something if there isn’t an AT. Rally the hospital to pay for the AT. #SportsSafety

Dan McIntosh ‏@MSPARsports
Need to prioritize funding for ATCs! #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@SportsSafety Other than by improving salaries?? #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety By accepting offers to speak! I offered to do concussion talk and never got a response…

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@ssd_ATC Are the coaches and athletes generally receptive to the idea of injury prevention & agreeable to devoting time to it? #SportsSafety

Kasey Zibton ‏@kayzee_ATC
Esp in rural communities. All the business goes to the hospital, so one would think they could pay one. I work for a hospital. #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@DrDavidGeier @PirateATC Oh, my..yes. Safety seems to take a back seat to possible recognition in youth sports sometimes #SportsSafety

EPA4SportsSafety ‏@EPA4SS
@SportsSafety A3: still mind-boggling to hear that many high schools DON’T have an ATC on staff #SportsSafety

KristiLee ‏@kmessina15
@SportsSafety just educating themselves on what we do! Then there won’t be a question on whether we are needed ! #sportssafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@EPA4SS @SportsSafety Agreed. But dont expect it to get any better anytime soon. Schools seeing big cuts across the board #SportsSafety

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
@drdavidgeier generally no….but both my varsity soccer teams have a prehab routine #SportsSafety

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
@kmessina15 @sportssafety They usually realize after something bad happens! #SportsSafety

Fighting PCS ‏@fightpcs
A3: I think increased awareness would be beneficial. I’ve learned much abt ATCs since starting concussion work …. #sportssafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@mnhopper1s @SportsSafety Same here. offered free CDC concussion education at local league…nothing #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @MSPARsports Need to prioritize funding for ATCs! #SportsSafety

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
@EPA4SS @SportsSafety Mind boggling and a shame…… #sportssafety

Fighting PCS ‏@fightpcs
A3 (con’t): … I wasn’t as familiar with all that ATCs do. #sportssafety

EPA4SportsSafety ‏@EPA4SS
@mnhopper1s @SportsSafety good point. District wanted to show a video, our ATs chose to present instead #sportssafety

KristiLee ‏@kmessina15
@carrie_boan @DrDavidGeier @PirateATC yes it does .. Makes me crazy when they are worried about “college coach” coming!#sportssafety

Phil ‏@kujoatc75
Staying out of the #sportssafety chat this evening.

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
If a High School cannot afford an ATC to cover sporting events then they cannot afford to have sports, period. #sportssafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
I’ve given lectures about sports apsafety to three recreational league coaches before. (Of 50.) #SportsSafety

EPA4SportsSafety ‏@EPA4SS
@SportsSafety there hasn’t been quite a hot button issue as concussions to allow ATCs 2 really make the point of our necessity #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Wowza everyone, thanks for all your tweets. We will continue with another question but all topics are fair game! #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SIorio_ATC I agree with you completely! #AT4ALL #SportsSafety Time for state legislatures to fund the way the law says!

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Realize this next question may be a bit BIG for 140 characters, but interested in your thoughts! #SportsSafety

Fighting PCS ‏@fightpcs
@EPA4SS Maybe let concussion be a starting point? I’ve learned about more ATC work cuz of concussion. #sportssafety

ePACT Network ‏@ePACTnetwork
Absolutely! RT @carrie_boan: A2: prevention is key to their player safety affect on/off the field #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@DrDavidGeier @ssd_ATC I find they’re more receptive post injury issues or if faster/stronger promoted as fringe benefit #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Q4: What can be done to help schools/programs without ATC coverage? For example, funding ideas? #SportsSafety

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
@mnhopper1s Should be no way kids should be allowed to play ESPECIALLY contact sports,Without Medical Staff-Ridiculous #SportsSafety #AT4All

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
#SportsSafety RT @DGA20 @EPA4SS The key is to partner with a local Ortho group who can provide an ATC or share the cost of one.

EPA4SportsSafety ‏@EPA4SS
@fightpcs good start for schools/organizations that don’t have one #sportssafety

ePACT Network ‏@ePACTnetwork
RT @MSPARsports: Teaching good habits for injury prevention. Warm-up, core and RTC activation #SportsSafety

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
@carrie_boan @drdavidgeier Try to promote the faster/stronger part too but taking away from practice time is always a problem #SportsSafety

EPA4SportsSafety ‏@EPA4SS
We consider ourselves fortunate in El Paso…2 ATs per high school…on staff full time. #sportssafety

Kasey Zibton ‏@kayzee_ATC
@SIorio_ATC @mnhopper1s does the same go for not having an #AED? #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@kayzee_ATC @SIorio_ATC Umm… you better have an #AED! It’s state law for you Kasey! πŸ˜‰ #SportsSafety #EAP

Phil ‏@kujoatc75
Ask the local college/university to assist in the funding of athletic trainers. Be a partner in the community. #sportssafety

Fighting PCS ‏@fightpcs
@EPA4SS Absolutely, IMO. Without sports,wouldn’t be as much awareness & work for concussion. Good opp for ATC awareness, IMO. #sportssafety

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
@kayzee_ATC @mnhopper1s 100%, remember you saying yours was locked up….. UNBELIEVABLE #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@ssd_ATC Problem with that is you are basically rewarding the host team… #SportsSafety

EPA4SportsSafety ‏@EPA4SS
@SportsSafety Hire teacher/trainers. The salary already there #sportssafety

Kasey Zibton ‏@kayzee_ATC
@mnhopper1s @ssd_ATC how so? #SportsSafety

Phil ‏@kujoatc75
If a school district can’t find funds for an athletic trainer, do they really have their students’ best interests? #sportssafety

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
@mnhopper1s I’d rather worry about the safety of my athletes than rewarding the other school #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@kayzee_ATC @ssd_ATC If you start traveling with your team, then why should the host school provide one? #SportsSafety

Fighting PCS ‏@fightpcs
I have to jump off. Just want to say, keep up the good work, ATCs! I appreciate ur dedication & work. πŸ™‚ #sportssafety

Corey Lichtman, DC ‏@askdrcorey
@SportsSafety @DGA20 @EPA4SS #SportsSafety I agree or even local PT group, ones that are ATC, PT. Great for business to sponsor school

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@ssd_ATC I agree with u, to an extent…I’d like to be able to travel especially to those places too. To take care of MY kids #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@ssd_ATC @DrDavidGeier Practice is limited too,when kids are injured. I incorporate prevention ideas into practice if possible

jaskll ‏@MonicaSteinborn
@mnhopper1s @kayzee_ATC @ssd_ATC plus it is not always feasible to travel if multiple teams play same night #SportsSafety

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
@mnhopper1s We’re lucky most of the time they other school has a trainer but not at all levels #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
MT @kujoatc75 If a school district can’t find funds for athletic trainer, do they really have their students’ best interests? #sportssafety

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
@carrie_boan @drdavidgeier I’ve found it depends on the sport…soccer usually better at injury prevention than others #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@SportsSafety The problem is the lack of ATs with teaching certificates. Becoming more rare. Very long hours. #SportsSafety

Kasey Zibton ‏@kayzee_ATC
@MonicaSteinborn @mnhopper1s @ssd_ATC I only travel w fb. But we all know no other sports teams play at the same time as fb. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@ssd_ATC My school provides worst coverage in the conference. #SportsSafety Very little underclass covergae… πŸ™

EPA4SportsSafety ‏@EPA4SS
@PirateATC @mnhopper1s @SportsSafety agreed…14 hour day for me today #sportssafety

Kasey Zibton ‏@kayzee_ATC
@EPA4SS @PirateATC @mnhopper1s @SportsSafety #nothanks. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
The hour is almost over but the #SportsSafety tag has no last call. Keep your tweets coming and THANK YOU to everyone for joining.

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@EPA4SS @PirateATC @SportsSafety I do a lot of those and I’m not a teacher. But opening fitness center at 5:30AM instead #SportsSafety

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
@mnhopper1s JV usually gets the short end of the stick no matter where you are unfortunately #SportsSafety

Bart Peterson ‏@bart_peterson
RT @kujoatc75 If a school district can’t find funds for athletic trainer, do they really have their students’ best interests? #sportssafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Also, April is Youth Sports Safety Month & we want to share your stories of helping young athletes. Have one? Reply for info. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@ssd_ATC only underclass home football covered here. Nothing else unless I’m on campus for varsity games. #SportsSafety O

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
@mnhopper1s I do all home events no matter what..spineboarded a jv baseball player last week #SportsSafety #AT4ALL

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@ssd_ATC yikes! Very little in the way of practice coverage too.. πŸ™ #SportsSafety #AT4ALL

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
To celebrate Youth Sports Safety Month we will also have two #SportsSafety chat, first on April 9th at 9 PM ET. Stay tuned for details!

Elite Injury Mgmt ‏@EliteInjuryMgmt
Find that some feel hiring ATs is school issue others board/district issue. In #yeg notice a big difference bw boards #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety Thanks everyone! That was really fun and informative. Athletic trainers, keep up the great work! #SportsSafety

Diane Sartanowicz ‏@DSartanowicz
@SportsSafety If schools can’t afford an Athletic Trainer then they can’t afford to have athletics. #at4all #NATM2014 #sportssafety

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety that pain level/tolerance is a big difference. Hard for young athletes to determine sore from pain #sportssafety

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
@bart_peterson I wish my AD was an ATC #SportsSafety #NATM14

Bart Peterson ‏@bart_peterson
RT @SIorio_ATC: @bart_peterson I wish my AD was an ATC #SportsSafety #NATM14 Mine Is!

Bart Peterson ‏@bart_peterson
@SIorio_ATC Mine is, but I work my butt off doing both…rewarding at times, not rewarding much of the time… #SportsSafety #NATM2014

KristiLee ‏@kmessina15
@mnhopper1s @ssd_ATC I’m sorry I’m already exhausted could imagine traveling with all 22 sports too πŸ™ #morehelp #sportssafety

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
@bart_peterson that’s awesome. I’m sure it’s a ton of work but having AD/ATC would make my arguments much easier, haha! #sportssafety

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
@bart_peterson I completely understand, keep up the great work!!! #SportsSafety #NATM14 #AT4ALL

Remember to join us for the #SportsSafety tweetchats! If you are interested, follow me on Twitter and follow STOP Sports Injuries as well!