I helped to moderate a STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat September 11, 2013. This month we focused on exercise of kids and the role of physical education in schools. The post below is a summary of that discussion.
For those of you unfamiliar with tweetchats, people answer questions posed by the moderator and comment on other tweets using the hashtag specified – in this case #SportsSafety. It often starts slowly, as this one did, but it can become difficult to follow when many people get involved and respond to many different questions and comments. This month’s chat was especially lively with tweets from great minds all over the world!
If you enjoy fast-paced discussions about important sports medicine, healthcare, and social media topics, join us for future #SportsSafety tweetchats. We usually hold these chats on the second Wednesday of each month. The next #SportsSafety tweetchat will take place on Wednesday, October 9 at 9 PM ET.
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
About to get going! We will use the Q&A format again this eve. Chime in when you get the urge…and again remember the #SportsSafety tag!
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Tonight we are happy to have our reliable #SportsSafety maven @DrDavidGeier to lend his two cents, as well. Welcome!
sheree bekker @shereebekker
@SportsSafety will see what I can add…its Spring here in Aus so not too familiar with your sports over there #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
@shereebekker Glad to have you! There is always room to expand on these questions. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
How about Q1: What fall sports pose the greatest risk for injuries? #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety Hi everyone! Hope everyone is having a great start to fall sports so far! #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@shereebekker @SportsSafety Yes Sheree, we’d love to hear about sports in Australia too! #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
Good evening @DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety It’s a great evening for a #SportsSafety chat!
Phil @kujoatc75
This may sound crazy, but cross country can result in a lot of injuries. The terrain and overuse are definitely hazardous. #sportssafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety football and cheerleading #SportsSafety #EveryAthleteDeservesAnAthleticTrainer #AT4ALL
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
A1: Football based solely on absolute number of injuries. Basketball, cheerleading, wrestling, & others on list though #SportsSafety
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
Some sports have high risk of acute traumatic injuries, while other sports w/ more chronic nagging overuse injuries. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@mnhopper1s @SportsSafety Hey Mike! Agree, I always enjoy these chats! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @mnhopper1s @SportsSafety football and cheerleading #SportsSafety #EveryAthleteDeservesAnAthleticTrainer #AT4ALL
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@kujoatc75 Definitely true. I’ve seen traumatic injuries and common overuse running injuries in cross country too #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
@kujoatc75 Hi, Phil! Nice to have you this evening. #SportsSafety
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
Prevention key. Proper training/coaching/technique. Year round balanced fitness. Proper equipment. Pre-participation screening #SportsSafety
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
How can we get coaches to better embrace preventive programs? i.e. ACL Tear prevention in female athletes #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Q1 brings up football and cheerleading as fall sports with injury risk – good point in cross country too! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Good time to bring up Q2: What types of injuries should young athletes, parents and coaches look for during the fall season? #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @drnickUSA How can we get coaches to better embrace preventive programs? i.e. ACL Tear prevention in female athletes #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@drnickUSA Definitely a challenge. Would love to hear how others convince coaches. Emphasize lower injury rates? #SportsSafety
Jay Hawkey @iRunNonStop
A1: Now that I’m training for a half in November, I’ve decided to stop playing racquetball which causes most of my injuries #sportssafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety A2 concussions, ankle and knee sprains, heat illnesses #AT4ALL #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @mnhopper1s 27s A2 concussions, ankle and knee sprains, heat illnesses #AT4ALL #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@iRunNonStop Jay, what kinds of injuries from racquetball? #SportsSafety
sheree bekker @shereebekker
@DrDavidGeier @drnickUSA effective implementation is key – what works in real-world settings, not only under controlled cond? #SportsSafety
sheree bekker @shereebekker
@DrDavidGeier @drnickUSA Emphasise injury prevention as performance enhancer! #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety A2: Fall sports seem to have less overuse, more traumatic injuries due to nature of the sports, in my experience #SportsSafety
DCDS Sports Medicine @DCDSportsMed
Sever’s disease, hip flexor strains, posterior tibialis tendinitis (shin splints) dominate training room daily. MS/HS athletes #SportsSafety
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
#Soccer often cited as safer alternative 4 kids than #football but actually has own significant risks esp knee & concussion #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@shereebekker @drnickUSA Getting parents to buy into ACL injury prevention seems to help pressure coaches too #SportsSafety
DCDS Sports Medicine @DCDSportsMed
@SportsSafety @drnickUSA Educate coaches to creatively use jump training components into practice conditioning. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Great quote! RT @shereebekker @DrDavidGeier @drnickUSA Emphasise injury prevention as performance enhancer! #SportsSafety
sheree bekker @shereebekker
@kujoatc75 @SportsSafety @drnickUSA like your thinking! IP = performance enhancement:more players on field at their optimal! #SportsSafety
Stephanie Davey @ssd_ATC
@SportsSafety Neck and stinger type injuries often get ignored or downplayed during the fall #SportsSafety
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
Would be great to have pro athletes tell story of how hard they work behind the scenes to rehab or prevent injury. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @ssd_ATC @SportsSafety Neck and stinger type injuries often get ignored or downplayed during the fall #SportsSafety
Jay Hawkey @iRunNonStop
@DrDavidGeier I’m too competitive for my own good sometimes. There is no taking it easy. Abstinence from play is best for now. #SportsSafety
sheree bekker @shereebekker
@DrDavidGeier yes agree! Parents are great at pushing IP agendas:winning not always their nr 1 focus (as often with coaches) #SportsSafety
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
Kids think that as soon as they are feeling pretty good,they are ready. Seeing/hearing what the pros due would help convince #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@ssd_ATC @SportsSafety True! Stingers seem to get far less attention. Do you think it’s athletes or coaches downplaying them? #SportsSafety
Mo SkeltonDPT4Sport @Mo_Skelton
“@SportsSafety: Cramps / dehydration in early season football games. #SportsSafety”
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
@drnickUSA No doubt – such a good example to show young athletes. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @Mo_Skelton “@SportsSafety: Cramps / dehydration in early season football games. #SportsSafety”
Stephanie Davey @ssd_ATC
@SportsSafety @DrDavidGeier In my experience it’s more the coaches but it depends on the athlete #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@Mo_Skelton @SportsSafety Cramps, dehydration, heat illness mostly preventable too #SportsSafety
sheree bekker @shereebekker
@SportsSafety @drnickUSA would be fantastic!Recent story on Nadal: chose rest+rehab over surgery! http://nyti.ms/19G7mMA #SportsSafety
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
Learned yrs w/ 76ers. I tell kids that for every minute Michael Jordan was on court playing, he spent 1 hour in gym preparing #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@iRunNonStop Probably a common theme among competitive people. Hope time off helps! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Some have touched on this, but we move to Q3: What injury prevention tips do you have for fall athletes? #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@ssd_ATC @SportsSafety Players don’t seem to think stingers are big deal. Like “dings” w concussions before media attention? #SportsSafety
sheree bekker @shereebekker
@SportsSafety correct preparation and gradual overload #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@DrDavidGeier @Mo_Skelton @SportsSafety heat illnesses are 100% preventable #EHS #SportsSafety #AT4ALL @K_S_Institute
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
A3: Have all injuries evaluated by athletic trainer &/or team doctor. Let coaches & medical staff know about any symptoms. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@iRunNonStop Any time! I don’t see many racquetball injuries here, so I like to hear and learn more about them. #SportsSafety
Stephanie Davey @ssd_ATC
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety Probably because it’s hard for them to understand the long term issues #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@drnickUSA Makes a lot of sense. They would respond if they knew what the top athletes do. #SportsSafety
Jay Hawkey @iRunNonStop
@DrDavidGeier It’s crucial to get in some dynamic stretching before entering the court! Hey, I just answered Q3 haha. #SportsSafety
DCDS Sports Medicine @DCDSportsMed
Q3: Put time in & come into season fit. Replenish fluids/nutrients for recovery. Manage time/academics to get adequate sleep. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@DCDSportsMed I see that frequently here. Kids arrive for summer practice out of shape and then have to face the brutal heat #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
@iRunNonStop @DrDavidGeier There he is! Echoing the sentiment – hopefully the time off helps you rock the half. #SportsSafety
Jay Hawkey @iRunNonStop
@shereebekker @DrDavidGeier Absolutely!. Not allowed on the courts without eye protection. #SportsSafety
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
Single sport overload (multiple teams/same sport) big problem. Cumulative stresses- play + coaches conditioning adds up #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Great stuff tonight! Switching gears a bit for Q4: How can young athletes balance fall sports with their academic priorities? #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@iRunNonStop I can believe it in a sport that fast #SportsSafety
Jay Hawkey @iRunNonStop
@SportsSafety @DrDavidGeier Thank you both for the support. Great chat tonight! #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety A4: Great question. Everyone (athletes, parents, coaches) must stress importance of academics even during season #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@iRunNonStop @SportsSafety Any time. Good luck! Let me know how it goes! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
MT @DrDavidGeier A4: Everyone (athletes, parents, coaches) must stress importance of academics even during season #SportsSafety
Nicholas DiNubile MD @drnickUSA
Q4 PARENTS must set realistic goals/expectations IN ADVANCE that balance academics & sports w/ sensible adjustments as needed #SportsSafety
Carrie Boan @carrie_boan
A4: I help kids set-up general PM “schedule”, good to learn time management while young. Carry it over into adulthood #SportsSafety
Jay Hawkey @iRunNonStop
@Mo_Skelton @SportsSafety Yes, yes, and yes! IMO, academics should always be top priority. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
MT @carrie_boan A4: I help kids set-up PM “schedule”, good to learn time management while young. Carry it over into adulthood #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
@carrie_boan We are lifelong learners when it comes to that! #SportsSafety
Stephanie Davey @ssd_ATC
@SportsSafety A4 It’s helpful if practice gets out on time! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @ssd_ATC @SportsSafety A4 It’s helpful if practice gets out on time! #SportsSafety
DCDS Sports Medicine @DCDSportsMed
@DrDavidGeier Crazy how a poor baseline of fitness can send a kid into an ugly cycle of injury and illness. #SportsSafety
Jay Hawkey @iRunNonStop
@carrie_boan Great advice Carrie! Having #TimeManagementSkills makes sports and life in general much easier! #SportsSafety
Carrie Boan @carrie_boan
@SportsSafety I struggle with time management myself, figured I just need to move on and help the next generation 😉 #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
The hour is winding down and we have one more for you, but first thanks again to everyone for joining us tonight! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Open-ended, toot your own horn! Q5: How do your own teams and organizations help prepare athletes for the new sports season? #SportsSafety
Carrie Boan @carrie_boan
@ssd_ATC @SportsSafety so true!! Coaches being aware of young athletes’ life outside of sports is important and helpful #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@carrie_boan @ssd_ATC These kids end up staying up late doing homework or studying for tests because of these late practices #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety #concussion discussion, PPEs, always available for injury eval. Treating athletes what we do best! #AT4ALL
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety I have to go, but thanks for the great chat and ideas! Glad to see some familiar faces, and some new ones! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
We are just about out of time, but no need to stop your tweets. #SportsSafety is a hashtag that never sleeps.
Remember to join us for the #SportsSafety tweetchats! If you are interested, follow me on Twitter and follow STOP Sports Injuries as well!