I helped to moderate a STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat October 24, 2012. We discussed the importance of athletic trainers in youth sports and welcomed healthcare professionals, parents, and coaches from all over the country. The post below is a summary of that discussion.
For those of you unfamiliar with tweetchats, people answer questions posed by the moderator and comment on other tweets using the hashtag specified – in this case #SportsSafety. It often starts slowly, but it can become difficult to follow when many people get involved and respond to many different questions and comments. If you enjoy fast-paced discussions about important sports medicine topics, join us for future STOP Sports Injuries tweetchats. The next STOP Sports Injuries tweet chat will take place on Wednesday, November 28 at 9 PM ET. Remember the hashtag #SportsSafety to follow and join!
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Thanks to everyone sharing our tweets about tonight’s #SportsSafety chat. We will be getting under way shortly!
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
Excited to join the chat about youth sports and athletic trainers tonight! #SportsSafety @DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety #AT4ALL
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
@mnhopper1s @DrDavidGeier Glad you could join again, Mike! Enjoying the #AT4ALL tag. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety Athletic trainers are my favorite people on Twitter! They love to participate, ask questions, share opinions. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
About ready to begin our conversation on youth sports and athletic trainers. Quick reminder to keep it up with the #SportsSafety tag!
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Like other #SportsSafety chats, we will follow the Q&A format. Remember to respond with a note to the question you address (Q1, 2, etc).
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety Every Athlete Deserves an Athletic Trainer #AT4ALL #SportsSafety Phrase is a little too long or Twitter normally
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@mnhopper1s @SportsSafety Thanks for joining Mike! Thanks again for joining #ABCDrBchat chat yesterday! Greatly appreciate it! #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@mnhopper1s @SportsSafety Mike, I’m out of the loop on the #AT4ALL thing, but let me know if I can help the cause somehow! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
We are also glad to have @DrDavidGeier from MUSC Sports Medicine on our chat again this evening. Let’s get going! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Q1: Are ATCs needed for youth sports? Rec leagues or travel teams? How can we ensure ATC coverage at these levels of sports? #SportsSafety
Sports CAPP @SportsCAPP
@SportsSafety: Q1: Are ATCs needed for youth sports? As a Concussion Educator I do believe ATs are needed at the youth level #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
A1: I think it would be great to have ATC coverage of youth sports, but unsure how/who could provide them. Anyone with ideas? #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @SportsCAPP Q1: Are ATCs needed for youth sports? As a Concussion Educator I do believe ATs are needed at the youth level #SportsSafety
Brad Morgan MEd AT @PirateATC
#SportsSafety Q1: My employer, @LakeHealth offers the local youth leagues my services at no cost for 1hr/wk. (flexible hour used as needed.)
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsCAPP @SportsSafety Maybe it depends on how we define youth sports. At what age or what sports should we have ATCs? #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety Q1 Hard to expect full-time coverage. Possibly better on consult basis and tournament availability. #AT4ALL #SportsSafety
Brad Morgan MEd AT @PirateATC
#SportsSafety Q1: I think they are even more vital there due to the complete lack of education of volunteer parent-coaches of medical issues
Sports CAPP @SportsCAPP
#SportsSafety A1 being in the $40 hour zone in metro NY, options seem limited, but see hospitals & sports docs sponsoring AT in other areas
Jon Sams @jsams4
@DrDavidGeier u cld partner with strong PT clinics that have board certified sports specialists n have them supply the ATC. #texpts
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC @LakeHealth Brad, do you cover specific youth sports/games with that hour? Use it as sort of a clinic? Curious #SportsSafety
Brad Morgan MEd AT @PirateATC
@DrDavidGeier #SportsSafety I am currently contracted for FB and wrestling. We are working for other sports.
Sports CAPP @SportsCAPP
#SportsSafety I think for football – 3rd grade & up. Soccer, lax & hockey would determined by age level’s contact rules of sports.
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
MT @MEGpresident a1: there should be some coverage provide to them,like at tournaments or maybe deals with club/organizations #SportsSafety
Brad Morgan MEd AT @PirateATC
@DrDavidGeier #SportsSafety I use the hour as a “virtual hour.” I mam more on call than holding office hours. It basically covers liability.
Sports CAPP @SportsCAPP
#SportsSafety new trend this fall – new parents of young kids were picking FB leagues by who was offering trainers.
Kathleen S. Fliss @MedicalExamofMe
Seems like it should be built into the fee for the sport – or charge for it just like equipment @DrDavidGeier: A1: #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@MEGpresident Covering youth tournaments, large organizations might be more feasible than all youth sporting events #SportsSafety
Sports CAPP @SportsCAPP
@PirateATC @drdavidgeier #SportsSafety define “on call” – coaches call ur mobile w/issues or u get call to come to field when is an issue ?
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsCAPP Wow. Really interesting. Seems like huge step in right direction for awareness of the value of athletic trainers #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
A recap of Q1 – folks see definite need for ATCs in schools, questions of their focus as well as costs, leads us to Q2. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@MedicalExamofMe Interesting.If youth leagues could pay, are there enough ATCs available to cover when their games are played? #SportsSafety
Sports CAPP @SportsCAPP
@DrDavidGeier @megpresident #SportsSafety For our lax league, most of concussions have happened in practice when kids just not on their game
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
We provide free consult for athletes of all ages in our offices. #AT4ALL #SportsSafety Improving that 4 youth sports would be great!
adam tarr @adam_tarr
@DrDavidGeier @Melizzard_CAT @SportsSafety @KerriJSeiler Our JFL games are on Sundays and our staff of ATCs take turns covering the games.
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Q2:How can ATCs be placed in schools? Should it be required? How can we pay for them, or options for schools who can’t afford? #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsCAPP Great! League in MN replaced ATs with EMTs this year. Uneducated on proper medical care #AT4ALL #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Great question. #SportsSafety RT @dawgpound33 Q1 could there be a roll for student ATs @ these events?
Sports CAPP @SportsCAPP
@DrDavidGeier #SportsSafety one new league promised AT, but didnt make sign up goals to fund. So they said no AT & 1/3 of new parents left.
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety Q2 If schools cannot afford AT, they cannot afford collision/contact sports #AT4ALL #SportsSafety
AB Athletic Training @AB_AthlTraining
@DrDavidGeier If youth leagues only have ATs at games, why not have AT do it for small fee or donations?Halt course for injury intervention
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
Great! RT @TheTrophyMom Build it into fees. Parents will pay for top line equipment. Maybe they should pay for health safety. #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety @dawgpound33 Only under close supervision of licensed professional. #AT4ALL #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @mnhopper1s @SportsSafety Q2 If schools cannot afford AT, they cannot afford collision/contact sports #AT4ALL #SportsSafety
Sports CAPP @SportsCAPP
@mnhopper1s @sportssafety #SportsSafety I am with mike 100%
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@Melizzard_CAT @SportsSafety @KerriJSeiler There’s no way our ATCs could also cover youth leagues during fall/spring HS sports #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
A2: Think ATC presence at every school critical. Not sure if all schools could afford. Joint venture with sports med programs? #SportsSafety
Sports CAPP @SportsCAPP
@mnhopper1s #SportsSafety issue I hear is that EMTs take everyone to the ER? Ambulance is not the answer to every issue.
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@DrDavidGeier @Melizzard_CAT @SportsSafety @KerriJSeiler Agreed. I already work 50 hours and dont cover enuff HS stuff #AT4ALL #SportsSafety
Brad Morgan MEd AT @PirateATC
@mnhopper1s That is really scary. I have met too many EMTs who are just plain dangerous on sidelines. #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsCAPP EMTs not trained in Sports Medicine. AT covers much more than emergencies. #AT4ALL #SportsSafety
Sports CAPP @SportsCAPP
@mnhopper1s: @SportsSafety Q2 If schools cannot afford AT, they cannot afford collision/contact sports #AT4ALL #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety @dawgpound33 What is the law regarding supervision of student athletic trainers? That would be my concern. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
#SportsSafety RT @KerriJSeiler I’m at my sons games already so covering their game for me is a way for me to volunteer for org.
Melissa Roth @Melizzard_CAT
@KerriJSeiler @sportssafety @drdavidgeier Is additional liability insurance required for volunteering in that setting?
Dr.Theresa Miyashita @DrMiyashita
@DrDavidGeier student athletic trainers must be DIRECTLY supervised at all times. Per accredited standards.
Kylie Farmer @krfrmr
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety @dawgpound33 When I was in school for AT we did placement at high schools with first responder certification.
Kylie Farmer @krfrmr
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety @dawgpound33 It was an agreement with the school board in our college’s area.. fantastic idea.
Kathleen S. Fliss @MedicalExamofMe
A2: Paid out of the school nurse budget? Or What if they were a “sports coach” and paid as a coach ?@SportsSafety: #SportsSafety
AB Athletic Training @AB_AthlTraining
“@SportsSafety: Q2: Lobby insurance providers to offered a discount for institutions w/ ATs #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@mnhopper1s @SportsCAPP @PirateATC http://www.startribune.com/sports/preps/137355023.html?page=1&c=y&refer=y … #SportsSafety #AT4ALL
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@GoldenStateEMS How so? A division of paramedics that work at a school or with a sports medicine program? #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@MedicalExamofMe @SportsSafety Local school greatly increased AT coverage by increasing admission fee $1 for games.. #SportsSafety #AT4ALL
GoldenStateFIRE/EMS @GoldenStateEMS
@DrDavidGeier , We already send medics out to games. We could start screening and hiring AT’s to go out with medics as a team.
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @MedicalExamofMe A2: Paid out of the school nurse budget? Or What if they were a “sports coach” and paid as a coach ? #SportsSafety
Sports CAPP @SportsCAPP
@mnhopper1s #SportsSafety Work to educate parents/coaches when/not to go to ER w/Concussion. After my talk they want AT around to make call
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @AB_AthlTraining “@SportsSafety: Q2: Lobby insurance providers to offered a discount for institutions w/ ATs #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @mnhopper1s @MedicalExamofMe Local school greatly increased AT coverage by increasing admission fee $1 for games.. #SportsSafety #AT4ALL
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsCAPP ER pointless after concussion in most cases. Go home and rest! #SportsSafety #AT4ALL Seldom send to ER for anything…
adam tarr @adam_tarr
@DrDavidGeier @sportscapp @mnhopper1s my experience of ER has been a CT scan and if clear a clearance note to return to participation. #ugh
MEGpresident @MEGpresident
@SportsSafety I agree with @DrDavidGeier on a joint sports med program. We have doctors at all football games through that #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Some interesting ideas for helping cost coverage of ATCs. A reminder we will have a recap to review. #SportsSafety.
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
Intriguing idea.. RT @AB_AthlTraining Lobby insurance providers to offer discount for institutions with athletic trainers #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Moving on to Q3: How can athletic trainers and sports med/team docs work together in the helping youth sports programs? #SportsSafety
Sports CAPP @SportsCAPP
@mnhopper1s #SportsSafety I consider ER if not necessary, can b the worst place to be: light, noise, stress, no sleep plus exposure 2 scans
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety A3: Many ways to collaborate. Educational seminars for parents, coaches, injury prevention programs for starters #SportsSafety
BJ Maack @bjmaack
@SportsSafety Preseason parent-athlete educational meetings. If there can’t be an AT at all games at least educate #sportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @bjmaack Preseason parent-athlete educational meetings. If there can’t be an AT at all games at least educate #sportsSafety
MEGpresident @MEGpresident
@SportsSafety A3: Injury prevention (especially for consussions) seminars for parents and coaches,and even legislation #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
MT @DrDavidGeier A3: Many ways to collaborate. Educational seminars for parents/coaches, injury prevention progs for starters #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsCAPP @mnhopper1s Does your ER have room they can dedicate to sports head injury if they know it’s coming? Quiet, dark? #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@DrDavidGeier @SportsCAPP No specific ER used. Depends on parents’ choice.
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety education and support off field. Quick evals and referral as needed. #SportsSafety
BJ Maack @bjmaack
Make it mandatory for all coaches to go through on-line webinars on heat illness, concussion symptoms, etc. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@bjmaack @SportsSafety Yes! The parents-coaches meetings before the season are great opportunities for education! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @MEGpresident A3: Injury prevention (especially for concussions) seminars for parents and coaches,and even legislation #SportsSafety
Byron V. Hartunian @BHartunian
@DrDavidGeier @bjmaack @SportsSafety Good advice David. Please check out http://www.lexbrace.com and contact me. Be well!
Corey Lichtman, DC @askdrcorey
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety communication is key from all parties to the head trainer. If athletes sees MD, DC or PT all should be shared
BJ Maack @bjmaack
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety We did this in AR for HS coaches; have to do annual training. Model can work also for youth sports #SportsSafety
AB Athletic Training @AB_AthlTraining
“@SportsSafety Q3: Practice = bored parents. Offer 1st aid/CPR courses (and further education) to parents during practices. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @bjmaack Make it mandatory for all coaches to go through on-line webinars on heat illness, concussion symptoms, etc. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @askdrcorey #SportsSafety communication is key from all parties to the head trainer. If athletes sees MD, DC or PT all should be shared
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@askdrcorey @SportsSafety Agree completely Corey! Communication between everyone is critical for proper care of the athlete #SportsSafety
Princess Brittany @SneedBrittany
RT @SportsSafety Athletic trainers are my favorite people on Twitter! They love to participate, ask questions, share opinions. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
That goes into Q4: Specific programs you provide athletes – injury prevention, sports performance? Or ones you have seen? #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@AB_AthlTraining Love it! Who teaches the parents CPR & first aid? The ATs are busy working. MDs? EMS? Curious. Love the idea! #SportsSafety
Ryan Wantz @wantzatc
sports med doctors and ATs already should be collaboratively working together for #sportssafety A3
Sports CAPP @SportsCAPP
@DrDavidGeier @mnhopper1s ER try 2 have quiet room but not always available. @ Talked 2 REAP in CO & had ERCocoon Rooms 4 TBI #SportsSafety
Ryan Wantz @wantzatc
@SportsSafety A4: acl injury prevention screening, appropriate rehab, i wish to do more injury prevent/performance enhancement #sportssafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsCAPP Listened to a Dr. in REAP program at STL conference this summer. Great program out there in CO. #SportsSafety #AT4ALL
Kathleen S. Fliss @MedicalExamofMe
@SportsSafety: A4: sport specific stretching/drills to isolate key muscle groups #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @wantzatc A4: acl injury prevention screening, appropriate rehab, i wish to do more injury prevent/performance enhancement #sportssafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @MedicalExamofMe A4: sport specific stretching/drills to isolate key muscle groups #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @Leladeda #SportsSafety A4 stretching importance, not just to keep muscle healthy but 2 make them faster,teaching them why it’s crucial
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety I have to bail. Surgery early morning. Thanks to all of you! It was great! Any topics you’d like us to cover? #SportsSafety
Kathleen S. Fliss @MedicalExamofMe
@SportsSafety @drdavidgeier thanks for a great chat!
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@DrDavidGeier I’d like to hear you talk about FAI and your “ideal comprehensive sports medicine team” at the high school level.
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Great stuff tonight, folks. Thanks again for participating! We would love to hear more of our ATCs “on-the-field” stories. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
If you have an injury or prevention-related story, please share it here or shoot us a message. We may feature on our blog. #SportsSafety
Brandon Sheppard @BrandonSheppar7
#SportsSafety how many teacher/ATC’s on tweet chat tonight?
MEGpresident @MEGpresident
@SportsSafety A4: my old H.S. coach met with my Atc to make a better pre-game meal for out athletes #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety Working on summarizing and discussing new @AmerAcadPeds cheerleading recs for my blog. Will pass along.. #SportsSafety #AT4ALL
MEGpresident @MEGpresident
@SportsSafety a question I have for Atc on the sidelines is how they monitor lightning and storms to keep the athletes safe #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
MT @MEGpresident question I have for Atc on the sidelines is how they monitor lightning and storms to keep the athletes safe #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety @MEGpresident Lightning detector. And visually. Normally able to watch skies as needed.. #SportsSafety #AT4ALL
MEGpresident @MEGpresident
@mnhopper1s @sportssafety such as thorguard or a mobile app/ device? #SportsSafety #AT4ALL
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@MEGpresident Have something like this https://www.medco-athletics.com/Supply/Product.asp?Leaf_Id=267781 … #SportsSafety #AT4ALL
MEGpresident @MEGpresident
@mnhopper1s is it a reliable product? And I have the same thought as you with volleyball on your blog #SportsSafety #AT4ALL
Brad Morgan MEd AT @PirateATC
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety I also recommend a smartphone app called CoachSmart by Vanderbilt. When used with a weather radar app, effective
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Thanks to everyone for joining us as you continue your #SportsSafety tweets, and to @DrDavidGeier again for sharing his perspective.
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
We will be back for another #SportsSafety chat next month, date TBD. Though we promise not to interrupt Turkey Day!
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
As always we love to hear your thoughts and ideas on topics or your questions for our tweet chats. Let us know! #SportsSafety
Remember to join us for the #SportsSafety tweetchats! If you are interested, follow me on Twitter and follow STOP Sports Injuries as well!