Distal clavicle osteolysis is a painful shoulder condition that usually affects weightlifters, but it can affect manual laborers and athletes in sports that use the upper extremities. The pain develops at the end of the clavicle (collarbone) where it meets the tip of the shoulder blade at the AC joint.

You likely will notice pain on the front or top of your shoulder, especially with weightlifting activities that compress the joint. Bench press and military press are two exercises that often cause pain from distal clavicle osteolysis. Lifting heavy objects at work or reaching across your body can cause pain as well.

Also read:
Arthroscopic shoulder surgery: What you need to know

In this video, I discuss the common symptoms patients often experience with distal clavicle osteolysis. I also explain how doctors make the diagnosis and what the usual non-surgical and surgical treatment options are.

Also read:
Clavicle fractures: Mechanism of injury, diagnosis and treatment

Man with shoulder injury in pain


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