TwitterI got great feedback from so many people about the first installment of Sports Medicine in 140 that I decided to make it a regular post. For now, I will try to post one every two weeks. Please share with any athletes, parents, coaches, healthcare professionals, or sports medicine experts you know. And if there is someone you know who writes tweets that would make good additions here, please let us know. Leave the name and Twitter handle in the Comments below or tweet to @drdavidgeier on Twitter.

Youth Sports Politics: Adults Feud, Children Suffer

Air travel is rough on your back. Check out these tips on how to avoid injury when you’re flying!

Boy drinking water@sportsmedres
Water, Water Everywhere…but How Much Should You Drink?

Regardless of what level of youth sports your child plays, they’re still kids: physically, mentally, emotionally and socially.

#FitTip: Practice Movement Prep. It elongates muscles, preparing your body for a workout or just everyday activity.

Swimmers (and others) .. 1st thing … stop overtraining your shoulders

Youth pitcher@Stephania_ESPN
Bottom line with kids is that too much of any repeated movement (both per outing) and cumulative (weeks/months without break) leads to probs

Symptoms and Treatement for Turf Toe

Today in Pediatrics: Study finds ostracized children are less likely to be physically active

New sport concussion study=number of hits received during the course of a season is the most important factor

Elbow soreness@joectwo
If you’re not sore from yesterday, you wasted someone’s $$, your time, and someone else’s time. Athletes don’t exercise, they train.

KDF mini-Marathon Training: Sprains and Strains

Proper hydration for young athletes is crucial not just for overall general health, but for injury resistance and…
(via @MomsTeam)

#ACL injuries can be reduced by 70% by utilizing the “Prevent Injury and Enhance Performance Program”

Study shows that exercise after cancer treatment can help boost wellbeing & quality of life

More on limiting head hits “Counting cost to children” #reform #concussion

What are exercises that can be done to increase metabolism? (via @SharecareNow)

@DrDavidGeier new research show girls more prone to concussions. girl soccer players 68% more likely as compared to boy soccer players.

@giants You know he heard that pop and thought, “Seriously? Now?!?!” and then some other choice words…

Comments? Questions? Share your thoughts below or follow me on Twitter!