I received a lot of great feedback about the books recommendations I have started making in The 10 posts. Honestly, I am going to read a book each week whether or not I share them here. I do think it’s fun to announce them publicly so that you can read them, and we can share our thoughts on them. Think about reading them and sending me your comments on Twitter or Facebook!
Book I read this week: The Win Within: Capturing Your Victorious Spirit
by Bert R. Mandelbaum, MD. I interviewed Dr. Mandelbaum last week for the book I’m writing. He has worked with top athletes and elite teams and leagues during his career, so he has tremendous perspective on the challenges athletes face when they suffer a serious injury. In this book, he offers insight into ways you can overcome adversity and accomplish big goals, whether or not you are an elite athlete.
Book I’m reading next week: Influence: Science and Practice (5th Edition)
by Robert B. Cialdini, Ph. D. Almost everyone who discusses influence mentions Dr. Cialdini, and this book specifically, as a go-to source about the power of persuasion.
Sports Medicine
Will this new treadmill make you enjoy running on one more? New design makes treadmill more like running outdoors by Jeff Grabmeier in Medical News Today
We hear about concussions in the NFL. This article discusses how the NBA and the teams handle concussions: Understanding the NBA Concussion Policy by Jeff Stotts in In Street Clothes
Another reason it might be good to give up sugar, especially this one: Fructose May Increase Cravings for High-Calorie Foods by Nicholas Bakalar in The New York Times
Obesity, heart attacks and more: Sleep or die — growing body of research warns of heart attacks, strokes by Carina Storrs in CNN
Youth Sports
Great explanation of a challenging issue for some young athletes: Exercise-Induced Asthma: A Video Primer for Parents in MomsTeam.com
Build confidence in your kids: Preparing Young Athletes Mentally for Games by Patrick Cohn in YouthSportsPsychology.com
Social Media and Communication
More great reasons to be active on twitter: 25 Effective Ways to Use Twitter Search for Marketing, Sales and Support by Danny Schreiber in Zapier
All good ones. Have any others to add? 5 Bad Writing Habits to Drop Right Now by Neil Patel in HubSpot
Did you like one of these articles or books? Do you have any others to share? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!
Disclosure: Please note that the links to the books or programs at the beginning of this post are affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. Please understand that I have purchased these books or programs and either have read them or will soon. I recommend them because they are helpful and useful to me and because I feel that they could help many of you. I do not recommend any resources simply because I receive a small commission if you decide to use or purchase any of them. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel that they can help you in your work or personal lives.