We are in the middle of the Bone and Joint Health National Action Week. If you work in sports medicine, do your part to spread the word about bone and joint injuries and injury prevention. We need to keep people active later in life!
Now let’s gets to some interesting reading!
Book I read this week: Trump: The Art of the Deal
by Donald J. Trump. I was really entertained by this book. Ignore what you think about him personally. The real estate side of Trump is impressive, in my opinion.
Book I’m reading next week: Win Your Case: How to Present, Persuade, and Prevail–Every Place, Every Time
by Gerry Spence. I read another book Spence wrote a few months ago and loved it. I am excited to learn more from him.
Sports Medicine
It’s amazing the difference between what patients think the surgeon gets paid and what he does get paid: Patient Perception of Reimbursement for Arthroscopic Meniscectomy and ACL Reconstruction by Kelechi Okoroha, Robert A. Keller, Nathan E. Marshall, John-Michael Guest, Jonathan Lynch, Terrence R. Lock and Brian K. Rill in Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
More evidence about some of the damaging effects of concussions: Concussion changes brain structure of athletes by Deborah Condon in IrishHealth.com
The question becomes whether exercise can reverse the risk for people who sit for their jobs: The dangers of physical inactivity revisited in 45-year study by Tim Newman in Medical News Today
Great advice from a sports dietitian: The Totally Realistic Thing You Can Do to Eat Better, According to an Olympic Dietitian by Molly Ritterbeck in Greatist
Youth Sports
Hopefully her story will raise awareness of a serious problem: Out Of The Blue by Bonnie D. Ford in ESPN
We need more athletes spreading this message: Hall of Fame pitcher John Smoltz decries youths playing any sport year around by Jeff Johnson in The Gazette
Social Media and Communication
This is terrific writing advice. I am trying to use these tips in my writing: The Day You Became a Better Writer (2nd Look) by Scott Adams in blog.dilbert.com
Do you use Twitter polls? I haven’t figured out how I would, but I’d like to try: 3 Creative Ways to Use Twitter Polls by Jade Furubayashi in Simply Measured
Did you like one of these articles or books? Do you have any others to share? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!
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