Let’s go over some great articles and my latest Seth Godin books!
Book I read this week: Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us
by Seth Godin. This is a tremendous book on leadership, although it is very different from your traditional business leadership books. Godin discusses creating change through groups of people passionate about an idea or topic. If you have passion for an idea, you can lead people with similar beliefs and build a movement that has lasting impact.
Book I’m reading next week: Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?
by Seth Godin. I can’t wait for this one, as I have heard many people say that they like this book of his the best. In Linchpin he writes about being an artist and creating work that matters.
Sports Medicine
These injury prevention programs can work for male athletes too. Efficacy of the FIFA 11+ Injury Prevention Program in the Collegiate Male Soccer Player by Holly Silvers-Granelli, Bert Mandelbaum, Ola Adeniji, Stephanie Insler, Mario Bizzini, Ryan Pohlig, Astrid Junge, Lynn Snyder-Mackler, and Jiri Dvorak in The American Journal of Sports Medicine
The value of sleep is being recognized more and more in sports. College Football Coaches Blow the Whistle on Sleep Deprivation by Graham Winfrey in Inc.
Frightening statistics: Sugary Drinks Take a Deathly Toll by Nicholas Bakalar in The New York Times
I don’t know about many of these supplements, but nootropics seem to be more popular than ever: How to Make Your Own Smart Drugs, Natural Nootropic Stacks, My Brain-Enhancing Compounds of Choice & Much More! by Ben Greenfield in BenGreenfieldFitness.com
Social Media and Communication
People who create talks with these types of slides have much more impact on an audience. How to Select the Perfect PowerPoint Image by Brad Phillips in MrMediaTraining.com
Great tips if you are planning to launch a website: The Elements of a Great Blog Design by Zach Bulygo in Kissmetrics.com
Productivity and Self Improvement
Winning is not an accident, and this tip is the key: The Secret to Winning (Pt 1 of 3) by Darren Hardy in DarrenHardy.success.com
I agree with all four, but 1 and 3 are critical: 4 Behaviors Highly Successful People Have Mastered by Rhett Power in Inc.
Did you like one of these articles or books? Do you have any others to share? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!
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