111. Leisure activities improve your mental health

If you work or study a lot, you might be resistant to taking a break, whether it’s watching TV, going out with friends, or any other leisure activity. But those relaxing activities can be good for your mental health – depending on how you look at it. In a new study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Ohio State researchers surveyed almost 200 college students about their happiness, depression, anxiety, and stress. They asked the students about leisure activities and whether those activities made them happy or were a way to waste time. They found that these leisure activities improved happiness, stress and depression for some students. But for those who viewed them as a waste of time, it led to higher anxiety, depression, and stress levels, as well as lower levels of happiness. Remember to take some time off and have fun, and don’t be thinking about all the work you could be doing instead. It will be good for your health.

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