304. Men age faster than women, according to new study

A new study shows that men age faster than women, starting in their twenties. In the study, published in The Journals of Gerontology, researchers in Finland analyzed data from over 2,200 twins. They used four different epigenetic clocks, which are biochemical tests that measure biological age. They also looked at each person’s body mass index and lifestyle factors, like smoking, drinking, and exercise. They found that the men were older than the women, and the difference in biological age increased as they got older in their calendar ages. The males in their twenties were one year biologically older than their sisters. Male twins in their fifties were four years older biologically than their female twins. The researchers speculate that estrogen accounts for some of the benefits in women. They also point out that men tend to be overweight more than women, which might age them faster.

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