• Injury Locator

Ankle fracture: Signs, symptoms and current treatments

Ankle fractures are common injuries in sports and many other situations and traumatic events. In this video, I explain the…

  • Injury Locator

Patellofemoral pain: Signs, symptoms and current treatments

Patellofemoral pain is one of the most common causes of knee pain. In this video, I discuss what it is,…

  • Injury Locator

Patellar tendon rupture: Signs, symptoms and current treatments

A patellar tendon rupture is a devastating knee injury that usually affects athletes. In this video, I explain how the…

  • Injury Locator

Patellar dislocation: Signs, symptoms and current treatments

A patellar dislocation - or a dislocation of the kneecap - is a fairly common knee injury, especially among young…

  • Injury Locator

Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD): Signs, symptoms and current treatments

Osteochondritis dissecans is a fairly uncommon injury or condition, usually affecting the knee, but occasionally the elbow. It mainly affects…

  • Injury Locator

Osgood-Schlatter’s disease: Signs, symptoms and current treatments

Osgood-Schlatter's disease - or Osgood-Schlatter's syndrome - is a very common cause of knee pain among children. In this video,…

  • Injury Locator

IT band syndrome: Signs, symptoms and current treatments

Iliotibial band syndrome of the knee - or IT band syndrome - is a very common knee complaint, especially among…

  • Injury Locator

Sternoclavicular dislocation: Signs, symptoms and current treatments

A sternoclavicular dislocation is fortunately an uncommon injury. In this video, I explain what it is, how the injury occurs,…

  • Injury Locator

Shoulder dislocation: Signs, symptoms and current treatments

A shoulder dislocation is an extremely painful shoulder injury. In this video, I'll discuss how they occur, what the initial…

  • Injury Locator

Pectoral tear: Signs, symptoms and current treatments

Pectoral muscle and pectoral tendon tears are not common injuries among the general population, but they are common among athletes…

  • Injury Locator

Distal clavicle osteolysis: Signs, symptoms and current treatments

Distal clavicle osteolysis is a commonly misunderstood shoulder condition. In this video, I'll explain what it is, the signs and…

  • Injury Locator

Clavicle fracture: Signs, symptoms and current treatments

A clavicle fracture - commonly known as a broken collarbone - is a very common injury. In this video, I'll…