The benefits of adding core stability exercises to your routine

If you have worked with a personal trainer or strength and conditioning trainer recently, you might have heard of core stability. Physical therapists are increasingly adding core strengthening to the rehab process after major injuries for athletes looking to return to sports.

What is the core and core stability?

The core is a general term referring to the muscles and other stabilizing structures around the lumbar spine, abdomen, pelvis and hip. Core stability allows selective recruitment and stiffness of these muscles with sudden movements in sports and exercise. It allows transfer of momentum and torque to the lower extremities. It possibly aids in balance and neuromuscular control to prevent injuries with the sudden movements.

Core weakness and risk of injury

It has been proposed that core muscle weakness could play a role in many bone and joint injuries. Many injury prevention programs actually incorporate core strengthening exercises into the programs in the hopes that it could decrease the risk for injury.

Adding core strengthening to your daily routine

You can perform core exercises fairly easily. Plank, supine bridge and side bridge exercises are just a few that don’t require any extra equipment. You can use a Swiss ball as well. Do your regular exercises with dumbbells while sitting on the Swiss ball. You to recruit your core muscles for stability while strengthening for chest, shoulders or arms.

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Your personal trainer or strength and conditioning trainer could show you a quick and effective core routine as well. He or she could teach you how to do the exercises properly to prevent an injury and maximize the effectiveness of the exercises.


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