6 benefits of high-intensity interval workouts

Recently I added regular high-intensity interval workouts to my normal training. I read The One Minute Workout by Martin Gibala and decided to try them. I love them! I added them on the off days between strength training sessions. Then I started doing short HIIT sessions as “finishers” after lifting weights.

In this video, I discuss some benefits of high-intensity interval training you might consider.

HIIT training sessions are short.

You can do most of these exercise sessions in 15 to 30 minutes because of the intensity required. For busy people. These sort of workouts can be a great way to make sure you get your exercise done for the day.

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They can help improve your endurance compared to doing longer, steady state workouts.

High-intensity intervals have been shown to improve endurance and other measures of performance better than doing less intense, “steady state” training for longer periods of time. 15 minutes of interval training on a bike with a few burst going all-out can beat 45 minutes of plodding along on an elliptical.

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They burn more calories.

Because of the intensity, these programs can burn more calories, even though the workouts are a shorter duration.

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High-intensity interval workouts burn more fat.

Just like the benefit before it, these workouts can be a great way to burn fat and maybe lose weight.

You can do different types of exercise.

You can turn just about any training program into a high-intensity interval program. I’ve done them on a stationary bike, arc trainer, rowing machine, treadmill, with battling ropes, and with kettlebells. The variety of training can help you avoid monotony and develop different parts of your body.

They can be fun, helping you stick with it.

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Well fun is a relative term, because these workouts are hard. But they are different, which makes them fun for me. Anything that makes exercise fun – even a little bit – might help you stick with a program and even work to improve your physical fitness.

As with any exercise program, discuss your goals and plans with your doctor before you start to make sure it is right for you, your body and your medical history.

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