Heat issues in youth sports: The STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat

I helped to moderate a STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat June 12, 2013. This month we decided to focus on prevention of heat illness among young athletes. The post below is a summary of that discussion.

For those of you unfamiliar with tweetchats, people answer questions posed by the moderator and comment on other tweets using the hashtag specified – in this case #SportsSafety. It often starts slowly, but it can become difficult to follow when many people get involved and respond to many different questions and comments. This month’s chat was especially lively with tweets from great minds all over the world!

If you enjoy fast-paced discussions about important sports medicine, healthcare, and social media topics, join us for future #SportsSafety tweetchats. We usually hold these chats on the second Wednesday of each month. The next #SportsSafety tweetchat will take place on Wednesday, July 10 at 9 PM ET.

STOP Sports Injuries
Getting close to the top of the hour and tonight’s #SportsSafety chat. Let us know if you are joining the conversation!

@SportsSafety Joining! Can’t wait to learn! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
Joining us tonight will be our resident chat man @DrDavidGeier from @MUSChealth. A reminder to stay in the stream w/ the #SportsSafety tag.

Dr. David Geier
@SportsSafety @MUSChealth Hi everyone! Good to be back for what should be another great chat! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
@RXN_Athletic Thanks for dropping by this eve! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
As usual we will follow the Q&A format if you choose to respond to a specific questionas A1, A2, etc. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
Let’s get after it with Q1: What kind of heat-related issues have you run into on the field with young athletes? #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@SportsSafety @RXN_Athletic joining! #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier
#SportsSafety A1: I see cramping mostly. Fortunate to work with athletic trainers to observe kids for signs of dehydration & heat illness

Mike Hopper
@SportsSafety A1 Cramping is big. Hopefully we can keep it to that and prevent further complications. #AT4ALL #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
@kay_lathrop Welcome, Kay! #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper
@SportsSafety @DrDavidGeier Good evening to you both! Looking forward to another great discussion #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@SportsSafety A1: fatigue, reduced concentration, cramping. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier
@shereebekker @SportsSafety Sheree, sounds like you have experience with heat illness w the marathon you mentioned earlier #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
RT @mnhopper1s A1 Cramping is big. Hopefully we can keep it to that and prevent further complications. #AT4ALL #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
RT ‏@shereebekker A1: fatigue, reduced concentration, cramping. #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety following the work of @ProfTimNoakes that he has done on EAHE and overdrinking #waterlogged #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper
It’s important to recognize heat illness does not simply =dehydration. #SportsSafety Many factors to consider.

Dr. David Geier
@mnhopper1s @SportsSafety Hey Mike! You should have a lot of experience with the hot summers where you are! #SportsSafety

David Webb
#SportsSafety sorry getting in late. We talking heat tonight (not Miami) ?

STOP Sports Injuries
A great note. RT ‏@mnhopper1s It’s important to recognize heat illness does not simply =dehydration. #SportsSafety Many factors to consider.

Mike Hopper
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety Definitely! And just had lecture on EHS, etc last week when I was in class! #SportsSafety #AT4ALL

Dr. David Geier
@shereebekker @SportsSafety @ProfTimNoakes Do you see overhydration often? In young athletes too? #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@SportsSafety @mnhopper1s agreed! Dehydration is not the cause of heat illness. #SportsSafety

David Webb
@mnhopper1s #SportsSafety tough to convince kids rehydration begins immediately post activity. Nothing caffeinated or carbonated in season.

Dr. David Geier
@trainerwebby David, I can talk about the Spurs win over the Heat… #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
@trainerwebby Hi David! Absolutely right. The (Miami) Heat variety discussion is discouraged (though not forbidden). #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper
@shereebekker @SportsSafety It can be, but not only reasoning.. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier
@trainerwebby @mnhopper1s Many of these kids eat fast food and drink soft drinks all summer too. Doesn’t help #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@SportsSafety @mnhopper1s nothing caffeinated or carbonated full stop. Chocolate milk been shown to be great recovery drink. #SportsSafety

David Webb
@DrDavidGeier @mnhopper1s #SportsSafety I am working on a preseason food guide for my fall sport athletes.

JJ Elle (0jj0)
Everyone training should join in on @SportsSafety #SportsSafety chat going on now. Great info applicable to many sports!

Dr. David Geier
@trainerwebby @mnhopper1s Share it with us when you get it done if you can. Would be great addition to @SportsSafety blog #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
Some interesting points with Q1 – including hydration is not the ONLY issue at hand when sporting in the warm weather. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
On to Q2: What should kids be doing to avoid heat-related injuries (or illness) – or general discomfort, for that matter? #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety Admit I am unsure of young athletes. You? #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
@JFitGirl Thanks for the tweet – and welcome again! #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper
@ATCHacks @DrDavidGeier @trainerwebby Not sure where you’re making that assumption at. I’m not sure of correlation… #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper
@SportsSafety A2 Proper acclimation is crucial @K_S_Institute has some great resources for that! #SportsSafety

David Webb
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety acclimation requires being in situation. Get outside to be rest to get outside.

JJ Elle (0jj0) ‏
@SportsSafety Welcome! Always informative!! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
@DrDavidGeier @trainerwebby @mnhopper1s Would definitely suit our audiences well. Feel free to DM @SportsSafety. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier
@shereebekker @SportsSafety I haven’t seen overhydration much. Maybe kids who get behind in hot conditions & drink too much #SportsSafety

Coach & AD Magazine
@trainerwebby We also would love to hear about your preseason food guide. Sounds great! #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier
A2: Big issue I see is lack of preparation. They come to summer practice out of shape & don’t drink enough before practice. #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@mnhopper1s @SportsSafety true but read this http://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2012/03/21/persistent-dehydration-myths-tim-noakes-comments-on-bjsms-reader-poll/ … #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety may be one for @ProfTimNoakes if he sees this. #SportsSafety

David Webb
#SportsSafety A2 addendum: goes back to food intake. Thinking a snack five hours ago is nourishment for a two hr practice. Wrong thought.

Dr. David Geier
@mnhopper1s @ATCHacks @trainerwebby Agree. My tweet had nothing to do w income. I see kids eat/drink badly even during season #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan
A2: get rid of energy drinks, if it revs you up it will heat you up, educate parents and coaches #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@SportsSafety correct clothing for environment, frequent breaks, consider time of day for training/comp #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
#SportsSafety RT ‏@DMXathletics A2: have educated coaches know when it is safe to practice during the hot months.

David Webb
@DrDavidGeier @mnhopper1s @ATCHacks #SportsSafety more of a comment on FF oriented society. Grab a burger instead of prep a meal yourself.

STOP Sports Injuries
RT ‏@carrie_boan A2: get rid of energy drinks, if it revs you up it will heat you up, educate parents and coaches #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier
@trainerwebby @mnhopper1s @ATCHacks David, yours wasn’t the tweet I was referring to. Agree with what you said. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper
@RXN_Athletic @shereebekker @SportsSafety 1st priority MUST be cooling! #SportsSafety Should have cold tub onsite if possible.

jb humphrey
@SportsSafety Q2 #sportssafety Play for an educated coach. Coach sets optimal practice times, acclimatization, nutrition, hydration, drills

Dr. David Geier
@shereebekker @SportsSafety @ProfTimNoakes I’d love to know more, so feel free to discuss whenever. Thanks! #SportsSafety

Coach & AD Magazine
Like point by @DrDavidGeier. We hear a lot about lack of preparation. Some coaches following offseason programs more closely. #SportsSafety

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Dr. David Geier
@PT_ATC_CSCS Such a great point. Especially an educated coach & athletic trainer(s) working together to prevent heat illness #SportsSafety

jb humphrey
@DrDavidGeier Love it! It takes different leadership roles to be successful, and more than one mind works best to succeed w/ safety and fun.

sheree bekker
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety No worries! Would love to continue this chat too! #knowledgeispower #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper
@shereebekker @RXN_Athletic @SportsSafety Is some disagreement about this thought. Don’t have cites on me.. #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety PS: good place to start http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/40/7/567.short … #SportsSafety #waterlogged

STOP Sports Injuries
Q3: Should there be limits when it comes to games, practice in hot weather? Your experiences? #SportsSafety

David Webb
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety GCSD and SHSM protocols in place for me. Coaches know I am only authority in decision.

Kay Lathrop
Everyone training or coaching should join in on @SportsSafety #SportsSafety chat going on now.

Mike Hopper
@SportsSafety A3: Definitely practices. Games should be modified if needed. IE: adding water/rest breaks #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@SportsSafety A3: Yes. But depends on environment and acclimatization. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier
@shereebekker I’ll check it out. Is this an area of study for you? #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper
@trainerwebby I have one, but need to get out to field. Plan to have it filled AND WP in ATR ready as well.. #AT4ALL #SportsSafety

Coach & AD Magazine
Many state assoc. beginning to regulate practices in heat but coaches must be educated enough to know what’s safe/what not. #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey
@SportsSafety often in Aus will have extra drinks breaks or reduced halfs if hot in tournaments so games can be completed #sportssafety

sheree bekker
@DrDavidGeier not per se, but of great interes. Study area is Sports Safety policies – so very relevant! #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier
@coach_ad South Carolina has instituted acclimitization protocol for summer practices. Good start. Education still crucial #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey
#SportsSafety Q3 Define hot. Last comp I was involved in heat rule kicked in at 37deg Celcius

Brad Morgan MEd AT
Last year we had a county all star football game in mid June and 90° heat. Coach told me we won’t follow state HS guidelines.. #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@DrDavidGeier @coach_ad #Education agreed, education is a massive factor for proper implementation! #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT
..because this was not a state association sanctioned event. I was unaware a jury would care about that point. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
@ARDempsey Good point. Using the word “hot” to see how people address temperature increases (and what constitutes “extreme”). #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@SportsSafety A3 again, SunSmart practices must also be considered #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier
@PirateATC Exactly Brad. Just because legally you can play in extreme heat doesn’t mean you should #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT
@DrDavidGeier Completely I’ll-advised since there was no acclimation to the heat and they were practicing in full pads. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier
@PirateATC Where are the parents when these types of things happen? They need to speak up #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT
@DrDavidGeier It was recently graduated seniors. All of them drove to the practices. Parents did show until the game on Friday night.

David Webb
@DrDavidGeier @PirateATC going Jerry Maguire. “Show me the money!” Or scholarship.

Brad Morgan MEd AT
@trainerwebby @DrDavidGeier That’s just it. There was nothing to be gained. It was just last year’s seniors playing one last game.

STOP Sports Injuries
A number of responses this evening have dealt with hydration – let’s finish out the hour with that topic. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
Q4: How do you address hydration with young athletes? What kinds of drinks are best – and how much? #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper
@SportsSafety A4 Water 1st, Gatorade/PowerAde also advisable for long-term activities. #SportsSafety Sweat is not just water…

sheree bekker
@SportsSafety A4: Always only drink to thirst! But this is not to say that kids do not need to be reminded often! #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@SportsSafety A4: water! A little apple/grape juice diluted w a lot of water and a little salt=great too! Choc millk after 🙂 #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier
@shereebekker @SportsSafety @mnhopper1s Do you guys recommend sports drinks even for short periods of exercise? #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper
@DrDavidGeier Could go either way.. #SportsSafety Beats most other drinks. I personally like G2 products…

Alasdair Dempsey
A4 #SportsSafety – you can always go the slushies beforehand. Double benifit of pre-cooling + hydration

STOP Sports Injuries
#SportsSafety RT @CabotAT know their sweat rate, weigh in/out, urine color, buddy system,

Dr. David Geier
@mnhopper1s Just wondered about the calories #SportsSafety

jb humphrey
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety q3 sunburns, muscle cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke can be largely prevented with protective measures.

sheree bekker
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety @mnhopper1s Do not believe in sports drinks at all.Gatorade funded myth of drinking before thirst. #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@ARDempsey fantastic idea! #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey
@shereebekker link to a review on pre-cooling – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23249542 Not my area but any excuse to hire a slushy machine #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
We are winding down tonight’s chat but feel free to keep those tweets rolling – and thanks again everyone for joining! #SportsSafety

jb humphrey
@SportsSafety #sportssafety Q4 Hydration issues: dehydration and hyponatremia. Not a 1 size fits all issue. Varies by wt, diet, training…

Mike Hopper
@shereebekker @DrDavidGeier disagree. Need some form of electrolyte drink. GSSI improves their products thru science research..

sheree bekker
@mnhopper1s @DrDavidGeier not for short periods of exercise. Might have some benefit for longer periods over 1 hour in duration with no food

Dr. David Geier
@mnhopper1s @shereebekker I know idea of sports drinks for kids is controversial. Just curious what everyone thinks #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@DrDavidGeier @mnhopper1s Great sharing ideas! Thanks!

@DrDavidGeier @mnhopper1s @shereebekker I’m against. Unless you’re in extreme heat or elite sport. Necessary electrolytes come from diet.

STOP Sports Injuries
We host these chats monthly, but encourage use of the #SportsSafety tag to talk about youth sports issues 24-7 (at least most of those 24)!

STOP Sports Injuries
We will be back at the same time (9 PM ET) on July 10th to discuss sports injury response (from sidelines and beyond). #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier
@SportsSafety That should be a great topic. I look forward to it! Thanks everyone! #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety Definitely looking forward to that one! Hopefully I can make it! #AT4ALL #SportsSafety

sheree bekker
@SportsSafety will try to make it and get @CarolineFinch involved! #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper
@SportsSafety Have you discussed importance of pre-participation exams in the past? #SportsSafety

Great chat tonight! Lots of debate. As nutrition/exercise student I can appreciate how complex this topic is. Thank you! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
@shereebekker @CarolineFinch Thanks for joining, Sheree! Enjoyed your tweets. #SportsSafety

JJ Elle (0jj0)
@SportsSafety Thank you!! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries
@mnhopper1s Not in tweet chat form. We will be doing a fall sports prep in September that could be a great time to include. #SportsSafety

jb humphrey
@Sportssafety #SportsSafety So many resources, and this looks like a great model for school/academic implementation.

sheree bekker
@SportsSafety great learning from everyone! #SportsSafety

Remember to join us for the #SportsSafety tweetchats! If you are interested, follow me on Twitter and follow STOP Sports Injuries as well!

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