Mothers of preschoolers struggled during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has been especially hard on mothers with preschool-aged children, according to a new study in the journal Women’s Health. Researchers studied more than 1,700 mothers of 3-to-5-year-olds across the United States, looking at how household chaos affected the stress, physical activity and sleep of moms. They found that the stress levels of mothers with preschoolers increased dramatically during the pandemic. Twice as many lost sleep, and far fewer performed regular physical activity during this period than women without preschool kids. It appears that working remotely was especially hard on these moms, having to work and manage their kids’ online schooling. During these times, mothers should take breaks for themselves throughout the day. And if the fathers and other family members can help with housework and childcare, it could make a huge difference for the stress levels of mothers right now.

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