My favorite Thanksgiving sports memory

It’s been another great year, and I have so much for which to be thankful. I have so many people who have been so helpful and supportive, and I will get to that shortly. A great friend asked me to write about my favorite Thanksgiving sports memory, which I knew instantly. I would love to hear from all of you as to what sporting events and moments on Thanksgiving weekend you still remember to this day. Please share your ideas and reasons – either in the comments section below or on Twitter or Facebook!

Growing up, I always loved watching sports, especially football and basketball. My brother didn’t care about watching sports like I did, but he and I liked to play in the backyard.

It was the Thanksgiving weekend of 1984, and we had spent almost all day that Friday playing football with friends outside. My parents had friends over that day, and they were watching some game on TV that we weren’t all that interested in. But as it grew dark, we heard more and more cheering coming from inside. We had just decided to call it a night, so we went inside to watch.

We walked in about 10 seconds before the final play of the game between Miami and Boston College. I looked at the score and immediately realized that I must have missed an incredible game, not realizing that the game’s lasting memory still hadn’t occurred.

I squeezed in between adults who by now were standing in anticipation to see how the game would end. I knew very little about Boston College, but since I attended a Catholic grade school at the time, most of the people at my house that day were cheering for this underdog team. And this team was led by a true underdog, a quarterback who was dwarfed by everyone else on the field.

I won’t go into details of the last play, because I expect that most of you, like me, can remember exactly where you were when Doug Flutie’s 48-yard Hail Mary touchdown pass gave BC an unbelievable last-second win. I still remember the TV announcer’s words as he realized Gerard Phelan had caught the ball.

Needless to say, for the rest of that weekend and for many more, our backyard football games recreated that final play. “He did it! He did it! Flutie did it!”

Now let me quickly thank a few people. This list is by no means everyone who has meant so much to me…

The Room 7 operating room team at Rutledge Tower: Chris, Melissa, Heather, Diana, and I always say we would make the best reality show on TV. One day I am going to do a video for the blog, introducing you to my OR team and a typical surgery day. The five of us have worked together now for almost 4 years, and I hope we can for many more.

The athletic trainers, physical therapists, and physicians of MUSC Sports Medicine: They provide terrific care for athletes in the Charleston area, and I continue to receive compliments from coaches and parents.

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Jenn Simpson and her team: I continue to receive emails or have people tell me in person how impressed they are with the blog and show, and they are largely responsible.

Cliff Ravenscraft: Without his tremendous advice and assistance, The Dr. David Geier Show would still be a dream in my head.

Public Relations at MUSC: I can’t tell you how much it means to have Heather, Tony, and Sarah and the rest of Public Relations supportive of all of my efforts.

Lisa Weisenberger, Joe Siebelts, and the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine: Lisa nominated me for Chairman of the Public Relations Committee for AOSSM, and she has been a fantastic resource for me both with Public Relations and the STOP Sports Injuries campaign. They have all been so helpful with my efforts, and I try to help AOSSM in any way I can – great people and a tremendous organization!

Malcolm Dewitt, sports editor at The Post and Courier: He took a chance on someone who had never written for a significant publication. I had no idea when we agreed to a biweekly sports medicine column how much I would enjoy doing it. Now I consider it one of my proudest accomplishments, and for his support I am extremely grateful.

Brittany: I don’t know what I would do without my incredible medical assistant. Patients continue to compliment her for being so helpful and caring. And with everything I’m doing, she keeps my MUSC work on track and running smoothly. She puts up with me when I get frustrated or stressed, and she helps to make clinic days enjoyable.

My mastermind group, my extended support network, and my parents: This one is intentionally vague, but people in these groups know who I’m talking about. Those of you in the mastermind group have given me so much guidance and support in the last few months. You mean the world to me. I couldn’t be doing what I am without your encouragement. The extended network has helped in so many different ways, and my parents have not only been supportive but have put me in touch with many in the support network. Unbelievable!

Thank you all so much!

Happy Thanksgiving! And please share with me your favorite sports memories!

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