Offseason conditioning and training: The STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat

I helped to moderate a STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat January 15, 2014. This month we focused on offseason conditioning and training. The post below is a summary of that discussion.

For those of you unfamiliar with tweetchats, people answer questions posed by the moderator and comment on other tweets using the hashtag specified – in this case #SportsSafety. This month’s chat was especially lively with tweets from great minds all over the world!

If you enjoy fast-paced discussions about important sports medicine, healthcare, and social media topics, join us for future #SportsSafety tweetchats. We usually hold these chats on the second Wednesday of each month. The next #SportsSafety tweetchat will take place on Wednesday, February 12 at 9 PM ET.

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
We will follow a Q&A format to get your thoughts – and while we tag “off-season” all training topics are welcome. #SportsSafety

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
@SportsSafety Here and ready!! #SportsSafety

Adam Bitterman ‏@BittermanJAMB
Happy to be a part of #SportsSafety Be smart with your training and respect your body

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety Here!! Loving the topic! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
And before we get going, I want to welcome @DrDavidGeier tonight…fresh off some holiday rest! #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
Looking forward to my first #SportsSafety chat in a while. Such is the life of an #AT. (Especially for the last month that I have had.)

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Let’s’ go… Q1: What kinds of activities should young athletes be doing in between sports seasons? #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety Thanks Joe! Excited to be here and hear from everyone. And celebrate my 9000th tweet! #yikes #SportsSafety

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@SportsSafety here and ready! #SportsSafety

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
@SportsSafety what age group are we referring to? #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
#SportsSafety Well I was finally able to get in. TweetDeck was being a pain tonight!

Mike Porters, ATC ‏@MVP_ATC
@SportsSafety non-sport related for a brief period until preseason training starts. Activity should be FUN. #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
#SportsSafety Q1: Sports that require dissimilar movement patterns from the sport that you just finished.

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@SIorio_ATC Seems the crowd here usually focuses on the high school age, though thoughts on younger welcome. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC @SportsSafety No idea. I’ve worked harder last 2 months than in ages. Everything will be done Monday. #SportsSafety

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@SportsSafety our girls lax is doing a session with a nutritionist to learn how to properly fuel for preseason conditioning! #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
A1: Cardiovascular exercise, strength & flexibility training, & injury prevention programs are all important in the offseason. #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety mostly general ex that combines strengthening and whole body movement activites from the ground up. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
#SportsSafety RT @SIorio_ATC 31s okay great. I agree with @MVP_ATC non sports related to mix it up then back to sports specific.

Mike Porters, ATC ‏@MVP_ATC
@SportsSafety mobility work. Fix movement patterns that were altered due to wear and tear. Start injury prevention #SportsSafety

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
It depends how long they have between sports. They need relative rest and mental time off #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@ssd_ATC Great point! #SportsSafety

Mike Porters, ATC ‏@MVP_ATC
A1: can’t stress enough activity must be fun. Athletes may need to relearn how to enjoy physical activity #SportsSafety

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
#SportsSafety Flexibility also needs to be assessed. Incoming college freshman the last few years have no clue how to stretch. Teach young.

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
A1: Maintaining good nutrition is also very important. Don’t show up on the first day of practice overweight and out of shape. #SportsSafety

Adam Bitterman ‏@BittermanJAMB
Rest and re-charge with some stretching exercises. Important to stretch nightly to maintain flexibility. #Sportssafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@MVP_ATC You mean doing something like Friday Night Tykes isn’t a good idea? #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
A1: @SportsSafety steer clear of focusing on their “chosen” sport when conditioning except for injury education. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @MVP_ATC I can’t stress enough activity must be fun. Athletes may need to relearn how to enjoy physical activity #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@mnhopper1s @MVP_ATC just watching the show gives me anxiety! poor kids #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
#SportsSafety A1 Should they have and “off season” or just a season where they play different sports?

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@carrie_boan #SportsSafety “Sports Specific exercises” should get thrown away!

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@PirateATC @MVP_ATC As it should! Keep telling my HS coaches they’re doing things that my coaches wouldn’t THINK about doing! #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
#SportsSafety – Recently early specialisation has been linked to worse outcomes for the young athletes

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Realize this question follows closely, but more generally for Q2: How can young athletes remain in good shape between sports? #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @ARDempsey #SportsSafety A1 Should they have and “off season” or just a season where they play different sports?

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
RT “@mnhopper1s: @carrie_boan #SportsSafety “Sports Specific exercises” should get thrown away!” Particularly at a young age

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@mnhopper1s Amen! Can’t seem to get that drilled into coaches’ heads!!! #SportsSafety

Mike Porters, ATC ‏@MVP_ATC
@SportsSafety Physical Education class. Smart nutrition choices (remember health class!) #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety @ARDempsey #SportsSafety they need to play multiple sports and NOT at the same time!

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@MVP_ATC So true. Fun is critical in the offseason for the kids to refresh mentally. #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
#SportsSafety A2 A different sport with simmilar energy demands

Adam Bitterman ‏@BittermanJAMB
Q2: Stretching on a regular basis increases flexibility and ultimately prevents injury. Healthy eating is always a must. #SportsSafety

Michael Cassat, MD ‏@drmichaelcassat
@SportsSafety Think important to understand multiple sports may not be the possible for all, either financially or available. #SportsSafety

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
@SportsSafety strength training non sport specific with 3-4 days of HIIT cardio doing something they enjoy doing #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety @ARDempsey I would think depends on age group, but even high school athletes often change preferences. #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
#SportsSafety Could be hard finding a similar energy level sport though. In Aus for boys often Rugby/Football winter Cricket summer

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
#SportsSafety MT @JSsportsmed I think an “off season” with some physical activity is important for them physically as well as mentally

Adam Bitterman ‏@BittermanJAMB
A2: Important for them to rehab any concerns from the previous season. Respect body pain and don’t fight through it. #SportsSafety

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
@keithmxatc @DrDavidGeier Completely agree, needs to be interesting and keeping them engaged without it seeming like a chore #SportsSafety

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STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
MT @drmichaelcassat Important to understand multiple sports may not be the possible for all, either financially or available. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@drmichaelcassat @SportsSafety Large majority who are “single-sport” guilty can afford it. They are the select team group #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@keithmxatc @SIorio_ATC Very true. Consistency is key. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
A2: In addition to strength/cardio exercise, they can play sports – just a different one than they play the rest of the year #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
A2: @SportsSafety learn & develop good habits with eating, sleep, conditioning. Someone touched on rehab injuries for sure. #SportsSafety

Howard Luks MD ‏@hjluks
@DrDavidGeier variety is the spice of life (and sports) 🙂 #sportsSafety

Nichole Tatem ‏@TheRealEmpress
I’m in! RT @SportsSafety: Please let us know u are here and include the #SportsSafety hashtag to be included in tonight’s stream of tweets!

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@SportsSafety Joining in! #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@hjluks Definitely! #SportsSafety

Crazy Running ‏@iamcrazyrunning
@SportsSafety We see many kids lacking in core strength and balance. Improving these abilities in FUN, creative ways is huge! #SportsSafety

Adam Bitterman ‏@BittermanJAMB
@hjluks @DrDavidGeier You can say that again! #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@JSsportsmed @SportsSafety #SportsSafety They do need some down time but most of the off season should be other sport not conditioning

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@mnhopper1s @PirateATC I did write about “old people” Mike! Have a story to tell, Brad? #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@iamcrazyrunning @SportsSafety Absolutely agree! Working w/coaches&parents to understand this. It’s so important! #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
Work on any “weak links” (especially imbalances) uncovered in pre-participation type screening. They all have em! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Thanks for your comments so far! A lot of comments on realizing the blurred lines between “seasons”. (Not a song reference) #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Thinking of specific programs for Q3: What are your important safety tips when it comes to training and conditioning? #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@carrie_boan @iamcrazyrunning Yes core strength and balance are important. Kids and coaches often forget to work on them. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety Qualified instructors, AED, and kid-specific equipment is important!

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
@SportsSafety Spotting techniques. Weather, including heat, Cold, and lightning. Hydration is always key with young athletes #SportsSafety

Adam Bitterman ‏@BittermanJAMB
A3: Coaches and athletes MUST recognize the boundary between safe activity and danger. Understand your body. #SportsSafety

Howard Luks MD ‏@hjluks
@SportsSafety Start with the basics.. education. SO MANY coaches, directors etc do not see need, value eg: ACL prevention, etc #SportsSafety

Adam Bitterman ‏@BittermanJAMB
Pain is the body’s way of saying STOP #SportsSafety

Mike Porters, ATC ‏@MVP_ATC
@SportsSafety foundation should be mobility. If u can’t get into proper position/posture u risk injury. Leave ego at the door #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
#SportsSafety A3 They are kids! Particularly below about 15 chill a bit and make it fun.

Mike Porters, ATC ‏@MVP_ATC
@SportsSafety coach should be CPR/AED certified. EAP in place and known by all in charge. Access to #AthleticTrainer . #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
Growing kids & Wt. Training- slow controlled/good form. There to build strength, NOT demonstrate it. Especially boys! #SportsSafety

Howard Luks MD ‏@hjluks
These are children we’re talking about,fun takes precedence. Seasonality is important.. learning about their limits.. idk 🙂 #sportssafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety A3 Proper technique, instruction, supervision, & spotters in the weight room can prevent many training injuries. #SportsSafety

Adam Bitterman ‏@BittermanJAMB
Seems silly but also important to educate young athletes on dangers of PEDs and other illegal drugs. #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
A3 #SportsSafety 1st thing in the weight room is to stress it is NOT a goof-off room. Many injuries from inattention, not taking seriously.

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
“@BittermanJAMB: Seems silly but also important to educate young athletes on dangers of PEDs and other illegal drugs. #SportsSafety” Agree!!

Adam Bitterman ‏@BittermanJAMB
@PirateATC Yep me too. For some reason certain athletes think they are immune to these dangers. #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
A3:@SportsSafety know the athlete; med hx; physical limits; take edu opportunities w/athlete, coach, parent; whole athlete #SportsSafety

Crazy Running ‏@iamcrazyrunning
@DrDavidGeier @carrie_boan It’s easy to not take the time to work on them- but, it helps make stronger, faster young athletes! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Rounding out by considering the season (for a lot of us)…Q4: Thoughts for athletes braving cold/conditions during routine? #SportsSafety

Mike Porters, ATC ‏@MVP_ATC
@SportsSafety wear many, easy to remove layers. Hats, gloves, etc. be SMART when training outdoors. #SportsSafety

Adam Bitterman ‏@BittermanJAMB
A4: Don’t be fooled by the cool temps, but hydration is just as important during the cold seasons. Drink! #Sportssafety

Mike Porters, ATC ‏@MVP_ATC
@SportsSafety gradual warming. Do not stick your hands into the hydrocollator water… #SportsSafety

S_Iorio, ATC ‏@SIorio_ATC
@SportsSafety depending on acclimatization and age could be a concern. Policies need to be in place with NO coach interference #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
A4: Dress appropriately. (My track kids went out with shorts in 30° weather last week.) #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@iamcrazyrunning @DrDavidGeier I try to do 15min x3-4 increments core, cardio, extremity strength, agility, balance, and FUN #SportsSafety

Mike Porters, ATC ‏@MVP_ATC
@SportsSafety inspect the field/track/etc for ice prior to workout. #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
A4: @SportsSafety layers, warm-up/cool-down, stretching, hydration #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@MVP_ATC @SportsSafety you wouldn’t think it’s necessary to say that, but then again….. lol #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Time is running out on tonight’s chat, but keep your #SportsSafety tweets rolling. And thanks again to everyone for joining!

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
We will be back same time on February 12th for a Winter Olympics edition #SportsSafety chat.

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SIorio_ATC @SportsSafety agree totally #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety I look forward to it. I can’t wait for the Olympics! That should be a fun chat! #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety Pretty sure I saw Lindsey Vonn had knee surgery this morning… #SportsSafety #ACLchat

Adam Bitterman ‏@BittermanJAMB
@SportsSafety @DrDavidGeier Thanks again! Looking forward to the next chat. #sportssafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety time flew by! great chat – thanks again! #SportsSafety

Remember to join us for the #SportsSafety tweetchats! If you are interested, follow me on Twitter and follow STOP Sports Injuries as well!

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