Osteitis pubis: What is it, and how can you get better?

Osteitis pubis is a condition marked by inflammation of the symphysis pubis, the joint between the right and left pubic bones. It is a common cause of groin pain in athletes who perform repetitive motion of their lower extremities across their bodies, or cutting and pivoting sports.

Signs and symptoms

Usually the pain is only present during sports activities that involve changing directions or moving the leg across the body. It is usually a dull soreness, but it can significantly limit the athlete’s ability to play.

Treatment of osteitis pubis

Treatment is almost always nonsurgical, focusing on rest from the aggravating activity, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy for hip, pelvic, and abdominal strengthening and stretching exercises.

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Also read:
Athletic pubalgia: Signs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Hip injury: 7 common causes of hip pain in active people

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