What you can learn from Pete Carroll about having a philosophy

It might be hard to believe that a football coach who won a Super Bowl and two college national championships was fired in his first two head coaching jobs. That is exactly what happened to current Seattle Seahawks head coach and former USC Trojans head coach Pete Carroll.

Carroll decides he needs a coaching and life philosophy

After he was fired by the New England Patriots, Carroll contemplated what to do. He didn’t know what his next opportunity would be or even if he should coach anymore.

Carroll sat down to read a book by the legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden. He realized that Wooden struggled as a coach for 16 years before he found success. Wooden developed a philosophy that would guide his coaching. He created a system for how his team would practice and act. He adopted a philosophy that guided his UCLA teams to 10 national championships in 12 years.

Pete Carroll develops his Win Forever philosophy

It was as if a light bulb turned on in Carroll’s mind. He had been coaching for 26 years, but he never created an overall philosophy for his career and his programs.

Carroll spent the next few weeks jotting down words, phrases and key lessons he had learned over his years as a coach. Finally, he completed his Win Forever philosophy built around the idea of competing in every area of your life.

Carroll finally had his philosophy that would guide how he would coach, what he would require of his players and how he would live his life off the field. He would wait for a coaching opportunity that would allow him to implement that philosophy throughout the program. All of his position coaches and all of his players would know exactly what Pete Carroll expected.

Carroll brings the Win Forever philosophy to USC

That coaching opportunity finally came. The University of Southern California hired him in 2000. With the Win Forever philosophy, Carroll guided the Trojans to seven PAC-10 titles and two national championships.

Do you have a philosophy that guides you?

Do you have a life philosophy? Have you sat down and written down what you believe and how you want to work and live?

It may seem like a pointless exercise, but your philosophy could be the key to your success.

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A philosophy can guide you in everything you do

Knowing what you believe and having it articulated clearly can guide you when faced with two competing opportunities. It can help you endure difficult times that have you questioning yourself and your abilities. It can keep you headed towards your goals instead of veering off course.

How to create and use your philosophy

Take an afternoon and get away from your daily environment. Take a journal and a pen with you. Brainstorm everything about your goals and your beliefs. Look for common themes.

Then let those ideas percolate in your mind for a few weeks. Play with the words until you find a philosophy that perfectly describes you and what you believe.

Then print it out. Post it on your office wall. Tape it to your bathroom mirror. Put it inside your locker at school or in the locker room at the gym. Read it every day. Let it guide and inspire you.

You’ll be amazed at the clarity you will now have.

Ready to win in every aspect of your life?

I’ve created a checklist of 12 qualities of the world’s best athletes and coaches that will help you win in your work and life. If you adopt these traits, you will succeed in every aspect of your life, every single day.

Get the checklist here!

Source: Win Forever: Live, Work and Play Like a Champion by Pete Carroll with Yogi Roth and Kristoffer A. Garin

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