Physical education in schools: The STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat

I helped to moderate a STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat August 14, 2013. This month we focused on exercise of kids and the role of physical education in schools. The post below is a summary of that discussion.

For those of you unfamiliar with tweetchats, people answer questions posed by the moderator and comment on other tweets using the hashtag specified – in this case #SportsSafety. It often starts slowly, as this one did, but it can become difficult to follow when many people get involved and respond to many different questions and comments. This month’s chat was especially lively with tweets from great minds all over the world!

If you enjoy fast-paced discussions about important sports medicine, healthcare, and social media topics, join us for future #SportsSafety tweetchats. We usually hold these chats on the second Wednesday of each month. The next #SportsSafety tweetchat will take place on Wednesday, September 11 at 9 PM ET.

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
And here we go with Q1: How can regular physical education classes benefit kids? #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
A1: In addition to actually being active during school, kids can learn the value of exercise & find ways it can be fun. #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@DrDavidGeier @sportssafety Especially considering the number of school districts that are looking to cut PE due to finances. #BadIdea

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC @SportsSafety It is scary how many schools are eliminating PE due to costs. And argument that it hurts test scores #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC @SportsSafety Brad, are PE classes that expensive anyway? I’s think other than the PE teachers, costs fairly low #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@DrDavidGeier @sportssafety Costs can be low, many schools just purchase equipment instead of look for more frugal options. #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@DrDavidGeier @sportssafety What good is a person that can read and write and think if they are hooked on soda, sedentary, & diabetic? #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC Hooked on soda, sedentary, & diabetic? Well said! #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
Regular physical a activity can ensure kids gain and maintain fundamental movement skills 1/2 #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
Loss or failure to progress these skills has been linked to future sport injuries such as ACL in women 2/2 #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC @SportsSafety PE classes can offer exercise & activity in so many ways with little equipment, esp for young kids #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@ARDempsey I wasn’t aware of effect on future injuries. Wonder how many of those kids ever play sports as they get older #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@DrDavidGeier May be less of an issue now as barriers to athletes who want to continue to compete are being removed world wide. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
No struggle to see the benefit in PE, but to Q2: What kind of PE requirements (if any) do schools in your community have? #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
A1 personally my boys look forward to PE so their blood gets pumping which equals brain keeps pumping in midday #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@DrDavidGeier Has been argued that women have higher injury rates as worse neuromechanics and strength as lower participation #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@carrie_boan Carrie, I agree. I think generally kids like PE classes. #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
In Australia schools are required to offer 2 hours per week up to year 10 #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@ARDempsey Will be interesting to see effect over time #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@DrDavidGeier @ardempsey PE can also instruct in simple exercises like proper running, jumping, throwing techniques. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety IL mandates it everyday K-12. But lots of holes in law.. you can get numerous exceptions for anything..

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
MT @PirateATC PE can also instruct in simple exercises like proper running, jumping, throwing techniques. #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@SportsSafety Required by Ohio Dept. of Education to have min standards. Most districts offer min, which is far too little. #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
While mandated there are PE classes and then there are PE classes. Classroom teacher vs PE teacher led are different #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
A2: Many schools here only have PE class for 1 hour/week. I’d like to see it several days per week, if not daily. #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@SportsSafety Cutting PE w/ school budget cuts short-sighted. They think it allows academic focus but has opposite effect #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@ARDempsey @drdavidgeier It is disappointing to see so many poor techniques in HS that could be addressed earlier in PE. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @drnickUSA Cutting PE w/ school budget cuts short-sighted. They think it allows academic focus but has opposite effect #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@ARDempsey Great point. PE classes led by teachers who believe in exercise for kids and actively promote it are critical #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@PirateATC @ARDempsey @DrDavidGeier Interesting to hear that. Specific sports/techniques that you commonly see issues? #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
To follow-up on that…requirements or not, Q3: How much time per week (ideally) should kids spend in a PE class setting? #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@drnickUSA totally agree, saving money while jeopardizing childrens’ health, wellness, and benefits exercise provides #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety An hour everyday. Minimum.. #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@SportsSafety @ardempsey @drdavidgeier Running form, jumping technique, throwing technique, etc. You name it. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
As much as possible. Studies have shown that time in PE does not take away from academic success. Likely helps it #SportsSafety

Phil ‏@kujoatc75
Ideally three hours per week. #sportssafety

Concerned Mom ‏@ConcernedMom9
@mnhopper1s @SportsSafety Do you think an hour per day would create scheduling issues for most schools? #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@PirateATC I have developed technique based injury prevention interventions. Always thought should target younger athlete #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety an hour per day would be great. schools minimize recess, PE is necessary to get our sedentary children active #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@ConcernedMom9 @SportsSafety #SportsSafety Why? It should be a class just like math or reading.

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@PirateATC @sportssafety #SportsSafety It wasn’t unrealistic 10 years ago; why is it now?

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@ARDempsey I think partnerships with PTs, ATs, etc. needs to happen to improve quality of PE curricula. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @kujoatc75 Ideally three hours per week. #sportssafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@mnhopper1s @ConcernedMom9 @SportsSafety I wonder if high schools have space to have PE classes for 2000+ students every day #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @mnhopper1s @SportsSafety An hour everyday. Minimum.. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@DrDavidGeier @ConcernedMom9 @SportsSafety #SportsSafety I think many of them do. It’s a matter of hiring PE teachers which schools wont

Concerned Mom ‏@ConcernedMom9
@mnhopper1s @SportsSafety Schools face certain limitations-1 gym or multipurpose room, plus limited # of gym teachers #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @PirateATC @ARDempsey I think partnerships with PTs, ATs, etc. needs to happen to improve quality of PE curricula. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@DrDavidGeier Altho required by law, I knew several who had two semesters only. I only had 1 semester without weights class.. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@mnhopper1s I only had PE every day in 9th grade. No PE rest of high school. And I’m not that old… #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@SportsSafety Active/Fit kids do better in school. Docs need to step up, educate and help the fight locally & nationally. #SportsSafety

Concerned Mom ‏@ConcernedMom9
@DrDavidGeier @mnhopper1s That’s what they do at our HS, no more PE after 9th grade #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@PirateATC Curriculum development is always a tricky issue. Too much input makes it a mess. #SportsSafety

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Ronald Masone Jr. ‏@RonMasone
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety A3: kids should ideally play 1 hour per day, organized or not.

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@PirateATC However provision of correct technique tips to incorporated into sports would be very valuable. #SportsSafety

Concerned Mom ‏@ConcernedMom9
@PirateATC @mnhopper1s @SportsSafety What about longer recess for younger kids? #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@ConcernedMom9 @mnhopper1s At K-8, I’d like to see it much more often, though. Daily would be my choice for younger kids #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@PirateATC Next step is to make sure PE teacher is up skilled. This is where EX prof can step in, esp in Uni training #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Great thoughts from everyone…we do additionally want to address the safety aspect of PE this eve, too in our next question. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Q4: How can PE classes promote active living while also being safe for varying fitness levels? #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@kujoatc75 @ConcernedMom9 @PirateATC Not if it simply consisted of kids standing around outside. #SportsSafety

Concerned Mom ‏@ConcernedMom9
@DrDavidGeier @mnhopper1s K-5 here alternate PE w/other “specials” – art & music #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety Teach healthy eating, walking more, less TV/computers/video games #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety A4 #SportsSafety At high school level can do a lot more exercise-based activities.

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@PirateATC @kujoatc75 @concernedmom9 We played a “non-contact” version of rugby in elementary school recess! #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
A4 – need to delineate between health (classroom based) and physical activities. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@ConcernedMom9 @mnhopper1s Think that’s true here too. Art, music, foreign languages #SportsSafety

Concerned Mom ‏@ConcernedMom9
@mnhopper1s @kujoatc75 @PirateATC Many kids actually play during recess-think free play good for them-teachers can encourage #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@DrDavidGeier @ConcernedMom9 here too which is bad! PE needs to be stand-alone.. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @mnhopper1s @SportsSafety A4 #SportsSafety At high school level can do a lot more exercise-based activities.

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@mnhopper1s Do you mean setting up circuits etc as you will see in a gym based setting. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @ARDempsey A4 – need to delineate between health (classroom based) and physical activities. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@mnhopper1s @PirateATC @SportsSafety Mike, I agree with you that it can be done if schools make it a priority. #SportsSafety

Ronald Masone Jr. ‏@RonMasone
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety make PE class primarily fun for young kids, with proper instruction and supervision it will also be safe.

Concerned Mom ‏@ConcernedMom9
@mnhopper1s @PirateATC @kujoatc75 1 of my kids got a broken arm from “non contact” touch football at recess #SportsSafety

Stephanie Davey ‏@ssd_ATC
@SportsSafety PE classes also need to work on educating the families on healthy active lifestyles #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@ARDempsey #SportsSafety Could, my school has full weight room and fitness center with selectorized equipment. Plus 3 full gym floors..

Concerned Mom ‏@ConcernedMom9
@mnhopper1s @DrDavidGeier Would love to see more activity built into day-but scheduling issues are a real problem #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety A4 incorporate fun and fitness that kids generally enjoy. doesn’t have to be PE bootcamp every day #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @ssd_ATC @SportsSafety PE classes also need to work on educating the families on healthy active lifestyles #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @RonMasone #SportsSafety make PE class primarily fun for young kids, with proper instruction and supervision it will also be safe.

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@ConcernedMom9 @DrDavidGeier #SportsSafety Do these same scheduling issues cause problems with history? reading? math?

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
Is there the place for gender segregation at an older age to encourage girls to fully participate? #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@PirateATC @kujoatc75 @concernedmom9 Really? Even I’ve heard that! #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@SportsSafety Quality PE should focus on exercise/activity. Competitive sport not for all- only courts injury if ‘forced’ #SportsSafety

Concerned Mom ‏@ConcernedMom9
@mnhopper1s @DrDavidGeier Suspect many schools don’t have proper facilities to support daily PE for all students #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
Yes I know my last question sounds sexist but anecdotally that girls don’t want to perform in front of the boys #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@ARDempsey #SportsSafety It’s truth. We sometimes left gym so girls could have it. Not only PE, but sports practices too..

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Keep the tweets coming, everyone. We do have one more question for you to consider and sound-off on as we wrap-up the hour. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Q5: What do you suggest for kids who do not get the opportunity for these classes? #SportsSafety

Concerned Mom ‏@ConcernedMom9
@kujoatc75 @mnhopper1s @PirateATC Not sure what that means-still fully support free play at recess-some supervision needed tho #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
As a parent I would love to see more freely available or significantly cheaper community physical activities for youth #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety I have to bail early. Thanks for the great tweets on physical education everyone! #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
It is great for the parents who want to support their kids physical activity outside school but they better have a fat wallet #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
A5: Participation in youth sports, outdoor park activities, YMCA, etc. Anything to keep kids active and interested. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@DrDavidGeier Agreed – thanks for joining! #SportsSafety

KevinDareFoundation ‏@KJD_Foundation
@SportsSafety kids of all abilities need a safe & accessible place to play. We need more Community playgrounds (all-ability!) #sportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
MT @PirateATC Participation in youth sports, outdoor park activities, YMCA, etc. Anything to keep kids active and interested. #SportsSafety

Bobby Weisenberger ‏@BWW_ATC
@SportsSafety join either one of their school teams or local recreational teams to insure they get recommended exercise #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
About ready to wrap things up for the evening, but no need to stop your tweets. We love to see your #SportsSafety thoughts at all hours!

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety Q5: parks are being built with walking trails, exercise areas. must educate/encourage the parents involvement #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
A big thanks to everyone for stopping by tonight – you make these #SportsSafety chats possible.

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
We will be back, same time and place (9 PM ET) the 2nd Wednesday of next month. Topic: Return to Fall Sports. #SportsSafety

Concerned Mom ‏@ConcernedMom9
@carrie_boan @SportsSafety Walking/biking trails are great for areas where the streets aren’t safe for those activities #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@SportsSafety Kids who mix up sports (esp 1 sport wonders) have less overuse injuries/burnout- also improve their main sport #SportsSafety

sheree bekker ‏@shereebekker
@SportsSafety sorry to have missed it again #thattimeofyear but will be reading up on the feed! Hope to see you next month! #SportsSafety

Andy Sports Therapy ‏@andysportherapy
In the Uk i’ve seen a number of overuse injuries in age group rugby. Seen rotator cuff tears and hamstring strains. Concerned #sportssafety

Remember to join us for the #SportsSafety tweetchats! If you are interested, follow me on Twitter and follow STOP Sports Injuries as well!

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