Piriformis syndrome: What is it, and how can you get better?

Piriformis syndrome is a challenging cause of buttock pain in runners and other athletes. Often it develops over time but occasionally it can be related to a traumatic event.

Signs and symptoms

An athlete often complains of pain in the buttock and occasionally pain that runs down the back of the thigh. With piriformis syndrome, you usually do not experience numbness, tingling, weakness or pain that radiates down your leg like you might if you have sciatica.

Treatment of piriformis syndrome

Treatment of piriformis syndrome is usually nonsurgical. Rest or avoiding offending activities, anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy for dry needling, other manual therapy, stretching and strengthening the muscles around the hip and pelvis can all be helpful. Occasionally, injections of the nerve roots or other areas of the hip and pelvis can be attempted, depending on the source of the symptoms.

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Hamstring strain: Mechanism of injury, diagnosis and treatment options
Running injury: 5 of the most common injuries runners suffer

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