Plantar fasciitis: Signs, symptoms and treatment options

Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain in athletes and non-athletes alike. It often presents as pain at the base of the heel on the sole of the foot. A patient frequently complains of pain immediately in the morning when he or she first steps out of bed. The patient might also complain of pain when taking the first steps after sitting or lying down for an extended period of time. It is often fairly debilitating to an athlete with the condition, as it causes pain that limits the ability to run. Treatment is typically nonsurgical, including wearing a night splint while sleeping, stretching exercises and physical therapy.

Signs and symptoms

A patient with plantar fasciitis often experiences pain at the base of the heel on the sole of the foot. Usually, a patient notices pain first thing in the morning when they first step out of bed. He will also feel pain when taking the first steps after sitting or lying down for a long time. Plantar fasciitis can create pain that limits the ability to run.

Treatment options for plantar fasciitis

Treatment of plantar fasciitis usually doesn’t involve surgery. Most patients get better with treatments such as wearing a night splint while sleeping, stretching exercises and physical therapy. Other treatments include heel cups and orthotics. Wearing a walking boot or even a cast for several weeks can be tried if the patient fails to improve quickly. Occasionally platelet-rich plasma injections can be tried.

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Also read:
Treatment options for plantar fasciitis
Foot pain: Common causes in runners and joggers

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