Prevent skin infections in sports

Skin infections are common in sports with close contact among participants. For example, they make up approximately 20% of the reported conditions in wrestling at the collegiate level. Since skin infections often spread by close contact, any team whose players use locker rooms, buses for travel or are in close proximity are potentially at risk.

Discussion of the many types of skin infections and how to best treat each one is well beyond the scope of this guide. Receiving appropriate treatment and not returning to play until the risk of spreading infection to others is gone are key steps in preventing skin infections.

Cleanliness of all athletic facilities is critical to prevent the spread of bacteria, viruses and other infectious agents. Athletic trainers and team personnel should regularly clean and disinfect playing surfaces, such as wrestling mats. Also frequently clean and disinfect tables in the training rooms, locker rooms, benches, showers, whirlpools and floors.

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Athletes should not share athletic equipment with teammates. Likewise you should avoid sharing towels, razors and hair trimmers.

Also read:
Wrestling Injuries
Episode 119: How can athletes prevent and treat skin infections in team sports?

You should shower after practices and games with an antimicrobial soap. When your hands are dirty, wash them thoroughly with soap. Wash all clothing every day.

Finally, show any cuts, blisters or other skin lesions to the athletic trainers or team doctors. And ensure that even minor skin lesions are treated and covered. If a question of an infection exists, seek medical attention for it prior to returning to play.

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