Safe winter play: The STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat

I helped to moderate a STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat December 11, 2013. This month we focused football injuries and prevention. The post below is a summary of that discussion.

For those of you unfamiliar with tweetchats, people answer questions posed by the moderator and comment on other tweets using the hashtag specified – in this case #SportsSafety. This month’s chat was especially lively with tweets from great minds all over the world!

If you enjoy fast-paced discussions about important sports medicine, healthcare, and social media topics, join us for future #SportsSafety tweetchats. We usually hold these chats on the second Wednesday of each month. The next #SportsSafety tweetchat will take place on Wednesday, January 15 at 9 PM ET.

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
As we get things rolling this eve, let us know you are here! And remember the #SportsSafety tag to keep your tweets in the stream.

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@SportsSafety ready to go inbetween girls basketball timeouts! #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@SportsSafety Here and frozen in Philly! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Tonight’s chat will follow typical Q&A format so feel free to chime in on any questions with associated numbers (1, 2, etc.) #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety It’s cold here. Got down to the low 50s this morning! #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@drnickUSA @SportsSafety That Eagles game was unbelievable! I’ve never seen so much snow in a football game! #SportsSafety

Roy Kessel ‏@RoyKessel
RT @SportsSafety: As we get things rolling this eve, let us know you are here! And remember #SportsSafety tag to keep your tweets in stream

Sports Brain ‏@Sports_Brain
RT @SportsSafety: As we get things rolling this eve, let us know you are here! And remember #SportsSafety tag to keep your tweets in stream

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
Hi everyone! Looking forward to the #SportsSafety chat!

Arsalan Khan, SPT ‏@AKHANvict
#SportsSafety so apparently Lindsey vonn is more superhuman than Adrian Peterson.

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
Checking in from a lake effect snow storm in NE Ohio. #SportsSafety

Sports Brain ‏@Sports_Brain
Take away the zero and you get our temp RT @DrDavidGeier: @SportsSafety It’s cold here. Got down to the low 50s this morning! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
We are happy to welcome the folks from @TheCrashReel …quite close to home w/ tonight’s theme. ( ) #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC @SportsSafety Charleston problems… #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Also joining us again is @DrDavidGeier, staying warm from South Carolina! #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
But the hot chocolate and tea will keep me going tonight. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Alright enough small talk, let’s get started with Q1: What winter activities and sports pose the greatest injury risk? #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
@SportsSafety @TheCrashReel Love to see a concussion discussion. 🙂 #SportsSafety (BTW, I’m aka @fightpcs)

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@drnickUSA Welcome, sir. I believe that! #SportsSafety

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@SportsSafety typically you hear wrestling but with only 6 wrestlers basketball is our highest risk #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@JSsportsmed Too legit to quit! #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@SportsSafety Q1: Any sport poses a great threat in cold weather for an unprepared athlete. #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
Q1: are we discussing primarily recreational activities vs. organized sports? #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@HerConcussion @TheCrashReel @fightpcs Glad to make the connection…and welcome! #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@HerConcussion We would love to hear your thoughts about both. #SportsSafety

The Concussion Blog ‏@concussionblog
@SportsSafety Q1: I would say snow skiing/boarding, followed by ice based sports, then wrestling, then basketball. #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
Q1: Offhand, I’d say that ice skating, skiing, and snowboarding are high-risk for concussion, at least. #SportsSafety

The Concussion Blog ‏@concussionblog
@SportsSafety @DrDavidGeier That dude is pretty good at what he does! #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@concussionblog @sportssafety I would add sledding into that list with skiing. #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
Better late than never…Peds therapist checking in @SportsSafety #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
Q1: F = ma. So skiing/snowboarding. High speed & high forces –> more ortho. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC @SportsSafety Brad, do you see more problems with athletes unprepared for the temperatures or snow/ice? #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Great point. RT @PirateATC @SportsSafety Q1: Any sport poses a great threat in cold weather for an unprepared athlete. #SportsSafety

The Concussion Blog ‏@concussionblog
@PirateATC @SportsSafety good call! Not a sport, but it can be behind a 4-wheeler!!! hahaha… LOOOOOOOKOUT! #SportsSafety

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@SportsSafety A1: though our asst wrestling coach did dislocate his elbow in practice last night. Maybe I spoke to soon… #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@DrDavidGeier @sportssafety HS kids still seen to think flip flops are appropriate wear in the snow and ice. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Competitive and recreational sports/activities are fair game this eve – just thought I’d mention. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@PirateATC @SportsSafety Somehow I’m not surprised. #SportsSafety

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@SportsSafety a concern for an AT may be what injuries are occurring in rec activities that aren’t being reported #SportsSafety

Arsalan Khan, SPT ‏@AKHANvict
Personal experience would suggest basketball is the biggest culprit #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@SportsSafety In that case, I’m going to be over here in the corner getting my snowballs ready!!

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Let’s jump to Q2: What types of injuries are most common during previously mentioned winter sports/activities? #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@drnickUSA @sportssafety I was just referring to kids who don’t dress properly, but you are right. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@SportsSafety And especially the injuries you see most commonly? #SportsSafety

The Concussion Blog ‏@concussionblog
@SportsSafety A2: I see a ton of wrist, back, and head injuries from winter rec activities, and in school sports: ankles/knees #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
Well, I don’t know if it’s most common, but you know I have to mention concussion. 😉 #SportsSafety But, what abt ACL in skiing? …

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
Q2: In addition to concussions, fx, and sprains, a lot of weather related frostbite and hypothermia #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
#SportsSafety RT @PirateATC Q2: In addition to concussions, fx, and sprains, a lot of weather related frostbite and hypothermia.

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
Q2: Depends on sport but plenty (too many) ACLs – maybe because I’m a knee specialist. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@HerConcussion That’s what I see most – ACL tears from people going to the mountains to ski. #SportsSafety

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@SportsSafety basketball leads to a lot of sprained ankles. We require bracing and seems to help. #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety A2: I get shoulder issues, Osgood-Schlatter, ankle issues #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
A2: In researching hormones re c8n, I found study stating that fem get ACL injuries skiing, more often at a time in m. cycle #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @DrDavidGeier @HerConcussion That’s what I see most – ACL tears from people going to the mountains to ski. #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
A2: ACL Tear During M. Cycle in Female Rec Skiers #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@JSsportsmed @SportsSafety Do you make all players wear braces or just ones who have sprained their ankles? #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
This year, I am seeing an anomaly in the high number of oblique injuries in my swimmers too. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @carrie_boan @SportsSafety A2: I get shoulder issues, Osgood-Schlatter, ankle issues #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
@DrDavidGeier Interesting. Please see the link I just tweeted. Interested in your thoughts on it. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety cheerleading! #SportsSafety sorry was eating dinner with the family 🙂

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety same requirement for FB and VB. So far only three sprained ankles in fall and two in BKB #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
reQ2: Do u think ‘we’ have created more #ACL injuries with “better” sneaks (stop on the dime) & ski boots (less Tib FXs)? #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@HerConcussion True in other sports too. Clearly a link. Question is what role hormone levels play in stability of the knee. #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@drnickUSA Anecdotally, that is hard for me to answer. I just had my first ACL in 2-3 years last week. #SportsSafety #JinxedMyself

Neha Raukar, MD ‏@AcuteSportsDoc
Sorry to be late to the conversation. I’m seeing quite a few ucl injuries from winter pitching camps. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@JSsportsmed @DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety I’m not a fan of that. But I support any player who wants to do so! #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@JSsportsmed Interesting. Do you get a lot of resistance from players about wearing them? #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@AcuteSportsDoc #SportsSafety This is driving me nuts. No need for them to be pitching this time of year..

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@mnhopper1s @DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety I respect that! #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
@DrDavidGeier I’d like to find out more. Been researching hormones & c8n & finding much info. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@mnhopper1s @AcuteSportsDoc That would have to be overuse from pitching all year and through the winter, right? Agree w/ Mike. #SportsSafety

Sportscaduceus ‏@Sportscaduceus
@DrDavidGeier Interesting. I’m a snow sport doc and I still see most ACL tears from football, basketball, soccer before skiing #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@DrDavidGeier @HerConcussion While there may be a link – what are you going to do? Stop them competing? #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
For Q3: How can young athletes prevent injuries during the winter season? #SportsSafety (cold/weather-related answers very welcome!)

Neha Raukar, MD ‏@AcuteSportsDoc
@DrDavidGeier @JSsportsmed I ask my athletes to brace up and tell em it will help extend their season cuz they won’t be out.#SportsSafety

Related Post

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@DrDavidGeier @HerConcussion This is why neuromuscular prevention programs a better option for prevention #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@JSsportsmed @mnhopper1s @DrDavidGeier All friends here during the #SportsSafety chats!

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@mnhopper1s @AcuteSportsDoc I’m against winter pitching camps,too. Strength & conditioning for baseball I totally support. #Sportssafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@Sportscaduceus @DrDavidGeier His patients aren’t regular skiers? Could that be the difference? #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@ARDempsey @HerConcussion Some propose oral contraceptives. Study has shown decreased rate w/them. Unclear the mechanism. #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
@ARDempsey @DrDavidGeier The more knowledge we have, the better decisions (& prep) can be made, I think. Still learning… #SportsSafety

Neha Raukar, MD ‏@AcuteSportsDoc
@AcuteSportsDoc: Solid conditioning preseason, even prevacation. #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@JSsportsmed Agree! All my yrs w/ 76ers @Sixers we always braced or taped all. HS kids should but don’t always have resources #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
#SportsSafety RT @PirateATC @SportsSafety I would love to know how to convince my kids to wear appropriate footwear. #Frustrating

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@mnhopper1s @Sportscaduceus I still see more ACLs from soccer, football, etc. Not many winter injuries here, so skiing highest #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@drnickUSA @JSsportsmed Ankle braces have been linked to anterior knee pain… pros have better ability to prevent that #SportsSafety

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@SportsSafety @PirateATC my biggest enforcers are coaches #thankscoach #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
@DrDavidGeier @ARDempsey Now that’s really interesting. Wondering if diff cont considered for diff sports. There’s much to it. #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@JSsportsmed @sportssafety At least my wrestling team doesn’t wear their shoes through the snow and ice. #SportsSafety

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@mnhopper1s @drnickUSA do you have research? You have peeked my interest! #lovetolearn #SportsSafety

Sportscaduceus ‏@Sportscaduceus
@DrDavidGeier @mnhopper1s What about Girls basketball? I think I may see more of those than soccer. #SportsSafety

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@PirateATC @SportsSafety speaking of wrestling you can have issues with eating disorders and nutrition #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
@RachelATC @DrDavidGeier @ARDempsey Wld b interested 2 find out what type, as it can make a diff (based on what I’ve learned) #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@DrDavidGeier Study @HerConcussion posted and this one suggest no protective effect. #SportsSafety @RachelATC

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@JSsportsmed @sportssafety Like my 200+ FB lineman trying to cut to 170? #SportsSafety #WatchingClosely

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
A3: #Prevention

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
@ARDempsey Thanks for the link! #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@PirateATC @JSsportsmed @sportssafety That’s just dumb #SportsSafety I hate wrestling and weight cutting..

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@Sportscaduceus @SportsSafety @DrDavidGeier @mnhopper1s I think this could depend on the level of competitiveness #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@JSsportsmed @drnickUSA I don’t have it right here.. but remind me in a day or so? I’ll try tomorrow.. #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@mnhopper1s @jssportsmed @sportssafety It’s my favorite sport, but I work very closely with those kids. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
Wear a helmet when skiing and snowboarding. RT @SportsSafety How can young athletes prevent injuries during the winter season? #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
A3: Nutrition is very important for females, I’m finding. That and physical training for both genders are my thoughts. #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
Yes! MT @DrDavidGeier: Wear a helmet when skiing & snowboarding. RT @SportsSafety How can young athletes prevent injuries …? #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@DrDavidGeier @sportssafety A3: Don’t go sledding on overcrowded hills. #SportsSafety

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@SportsSafety PRESEASON CONDITIONING! Can always see a big difference between those that do and those that don’t #SportsSafety

ashlyn ‏@ashlynshockley
Baseball To Ban Collisions At Home Plate #sportssafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@Sportscaduceus @DrDavidGeier May not be fair but girls need to work much harder & yr round on ACL prevent. Tough sell. #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
RT @JSsportsmed @SportsSafety PRESEASON CONDITIONING! Can always see a big difference between those that do & those that don’t #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@ashlynshockley Overdue. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Thanks to everyone for your tweets tonight! Going to end things with one last (general) question. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Q4: What do you recommend kids do to stay active during the cold weather months, if not for organized sports, etc. #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
A3: good protective gear for outdoor activites. Conditioning, nutrition, hydration for all sports activities. #sportssafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety weight room and fitness center. #SportsSafety

Arsalan Khan, SPT ‏@AKHANvict
Xbox kinect. Haha just kidding #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
@SportsSafety A4: I always tell them to come over and shovel my driveway. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @mnhopper1s @SportsSafety weight room and fitness center. #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
A4: Perhaps see what indoor activities are avail. E.g., my gym has lots of teams, classes, swimming etc. Also city parks & rec #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@PirateATC You are on fire this evening! #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@MKovacsPhD @LorenLandow Interesting that tennis pros and ballerinas (male dancers too) rarely tear ACLs. Lessons there. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@PirateATC @SportsSafety IDK. Not sure I want them to know where we live 😉 Most do anyway though.. #AT4ALL #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@4symbols78 @SportsSafety @JSsportsmed ABSOLUTELY!!! #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
A4: In all seriousness, shoveling their driveway is great cardio and strengthening. #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@drnickUSA @Sportscaduceus @DrDavidGeier Boys should be working just as hard. Incorporate into regular training programs #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
#SportsSafety MT @MomentumTrainer I try to get the kids in our HS weight room, I help the teams design our off season/pre season workouts

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@ARDempsey @Sportscaduceus @DrDavidGeier True- but girls knees more vulnerable for variety of reasons. Not fair, but… #SportsSafety

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@SportsSafety @MomentumTrainer would love to have a full time S&C coach and get them in our own weight room #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@drnickUSA @ARDempsey @Sportscaduceus @DrDavidGeier I think some of them think that’s always my answer.. “you’re female” #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
A4: Off-season conditioning programs, or for younger kids, bundle-up and just get out and play! #Sportssafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@JSsportsmed @SportsSafety @MomentumTrainer Our football coach runs majority of our weights stuff.. does good job with it #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety Try variety of exercise indoors – swimming, lifting weights. Wear clothing layers to stay warm training outdoors #SportsSafety

Brad Morgan MEd AT ‏@PirateATC
Another great winter activity for those with the means is cross country skiing. Outstanding cardio. #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
@mnhopper1s Do they ask for details? #SportsSafety

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@MomentumTrainer @SportsSafety kudos to you for doing that much! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Our hour is almost up but the #SportsSafety hash tag never quits, so don’t stop sharing those tweets.

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
@PirateATC Fun, too. Relaxing as well. #SportsSafety

Sportscaduceus ‏@Sportscaduceus
Here is a great article on TBI/concussion in snowsports by Mark Peruzzi. #sportssafety …

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
RT @Sportscaduceus: Here is a great article on TBI/concussion in snowsports by Mark Peruzzi. #sportssafety …

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
RT @SportsSafety: Our hour is almost up but the #SportsSafety hash tag never quits, so don’t stop sharing those tweets.

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@HerConcussion We talk about it some.. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Thanks again to everyone for joining tonight. One more question…what #SportsSafety chats do you want to see in 2014?

JS Sports Med ‏@JSsportsmed
@SportsSafety after our long thread ankle injuries! #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
@mnhopper1s That’s good. I don’t know much abt ACL at this point, but I’m learning. #SportsSafety Am seeing that in my c8n/hormone research

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@SportsSafety How about tennis & racquet sports- when spring 2014 rolls around? Can’t wait! #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@SportsSafety Also how about role of nutrition and hydration on injuries & injury prevention. #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@mnhopper1s @drnickUSA @Sportscaduceus @DrDavidGeier Still more male injuries on raw numbers. 1/2 #SportsSafety

Alasdair Dempsey ‏@ARDempsey
@mnhopper1s @drnickUSA @Sportscaduceus @DrDavidGeier Must not focus on females for ACL prevention boys may get forgotten #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety I’m up for any topic! Always great youth sports information here. Thanks Joe and everyone! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Another reminder to check out @TheCrashReel – Kevin Pearce’s TBI story. Will be out Friday! #SportsSafety

HerConcussion ‏@HerConcussion
@ARDempsey … and let’s not forget the girls for concussion issues! 🙂 #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
We had a great run in 2013! Our next #SportsSafety chat will be on the other side, January 15th, 2014 at 9 PM ET. Can’t wait!

Remember to join us for the #SportsSafety tweetchats! If you are interested, follow me on Twitter and follow STOP Sports Injuries as well!

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