Youth sport burnout and injury prevention: The STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat

I helped to moderate a STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat April 9, 2014. This month we focused on youth sport burnout and injury prevention. The post below is a summary of that discussion.

For those of you unfamiliar with tweetchats, people answer questions posed by the moderator and comment on other tweets using the hashtag specified – in this case #SportsSafety. It often starts slowly but it can become difficult to follow when many people get involved and respond to many different questions and comments. This month’s chat was especially lively with tweets from all over the country!

If you enjoy fast-paced discussions about important sports medicine, healthcare, and social media topics, join us for future #SportsSafety tweetchats. We usually hold these chats on the second Wednesday of each month. The next #SportsSafety tweetchat will take place on Wednesday, April 23 at 9 PM ET.

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Before we start, a reminder our questions are always just a guide. Happy for folks to chime in on anything #SportsSafety related.

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@mnhopper1s Now that’s dedication. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
With that, let’s get going. Q1: Do you think there is too much attention on youth sports injuries? Too little? #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety As @DrDavidGeier alluded to in earlier tweet, sports injuries are happening earlier all the time #SportsSafety Never Enuff!

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@Care_Aware Thanks for the tweets! #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety think there is adequate attention, but still a lack of information on the long term affects of various injuries #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety Certainly getting more attention. At same time, we still need to get more parents, coaches & athletes to buy in #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety I also feel more information needs to be provided on preventing injuries, ie, warming up, wearing gear properly #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety (Hope you don’t mind an average parent chiming in – I’ve just dealt with many injuries w/ my teens.) #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@AnEverydayJen Great distinction to make, Jen. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@mnhopper1s @SportsSafety Thanks Mike! Scary phenomenon. We have seen it with Tommy John surgeries. More in younger pitchers #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety There is a lot of pressure to play-By player, coach & parents. Injuries are often 2nd to the game #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@AnEverydayJen @SportsSafety I’m excited to hear your thoughts, Jen! It’s good to hear a parent’s perspective. #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety I’m here, awareness is improving, still not enough. In addition, it’s a bitter pill to swallow for some parents #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety I’ve seen reports of HS baseball pitcher throwing 191 and softball pitcher throwing >200 pitches! #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety Thank you! This is a touch of a hot topic for me. Can be hard as a parent to find the line #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@mnhopper1s @SportsSafety I have seen those kinds of pitch numbers occasionally too. #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@mnhopper1s @DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety Crownover (Clemson) had & Boling (UGA) current pitchers has sx in HS. I’m researching #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@SportsSafety Years ago, pressure on young athletes seemed to come more from coaches, in recent years parents more the culprit #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Moving to Q2: How can you help kids balance competition while also encouraging them to not push too far? #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @drnickUSA Years ago, pressure on young athletes seemed to come more from coaches, in recent years parents more the culprit #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety Q2 I wish I had that answer… Especially with teens, it’s hard to convince them an injury shouldn’t be ignored. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper
@drnickUSA @SportsSafety seems to be all about getting that scholarship money. #SportsSafety Better off getting great grades….

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety Q2: compete, but know when to stop due to exhaustion, pain. keep open lines of communication re: pain, fatigue. #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety We talk though -about eating well, staying in shape, proper training and knowing when to take it easy. #SportsSafety

Dr. David Geier ‏@DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety I have to power down. Hope to be back soon. #SportsSafety

Bay State PT ‏@BSPT1
“@SportsSafety: Do you think there is too much attention on youth sports injuries? Too little? #SportsSafety”. Never enough

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety Q2 In the end though, I have the final word. If I am concerned they shouldn’t play, they don’t. #SportsSafety

Chris Kromer ‏@ckatc84
@SportsSafety and knowing when enough is enough whether it’s practice time, to any games, and the struggle to maintain grades #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
We have dealt w/ a dislocated shoulder, broken ankle, concussion, dead leg, as well as multiple less severe injuries-It’s hard #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
I am a huge fan of the baseline concussion testing (Iimpact Testing). I think all schools/sports should require it #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
Expose kids to variety of sports that compliment each other. Creates balance, improves performance, avoids burnout/overuse #SportsSafety

M. Roxanne Harrison ‏@rockc95
What age to teach soccer headers? How young is too young? #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@drnickUSA We have a rule – only one sport at a time. It is too easy to burn out playing multiple. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@drnickUSA #SportsSafety I saw someone compare it to academics… you dont only focus on math, but cover many different subjects in school

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety Q2: let the kids know their injury complaints will be addressed, not blown off or screamed at for the injury. #SportsSafety ‏@SportsMedOnline
@SportsSafety Q2 There are many calls to make youth sports “fun”! Yes to healthy competition, but balanced with fun and #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
Must always remember & remind all involved: Kids are NOT small adults! Bodies/minds very different w/ unique vulnerabilities #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
@AnEverydayJen But careful with the one sport wonders- same sport, multiple teams, year round–> asking for trouble #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Pardon all my RTs…a lot of great stuff, everyone. Very useful thoughts and advice. #SportsSafety

RXN Athletic ‏@RXN_Athletic
This is sound advice for everyone! @drnickUSA @SportsSafety #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
Reading baseball message board tonight where they say pitch counts are actually increasing injuries.. Thoughts? #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@drnickUSA We had a little of that a few years ago, now they are more diverse: soccer, tennis, track. They even coach! #SportsSafety

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STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
A bit simpler for Q3: What’s your #1 tip/approach for young athletes to remain healthy during the season/year? #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
ALSO: MT @mnhopper1s Reading message board tonight where they say pitch counts are actually increasing injuries.. Thoughts? #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@mnhopper1s That’s interesting…I’d like to hear more about that #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
A3: preventive conditioning- proper warm up and stretching (esp around growth spurts). Adequate sleep & recovery. Proper fuel. #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety Maintain healthy eating. Remain active. Keep your brain active too! #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety And remember this is to be enjoyed. Most kids don’t go pro. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
RT @AnEverydayJen @SportsSafety Maintain healthy eating. Remain active. Keep your brain active too! #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety Q3: Play a variety of sports, adequate rest, proper warm-up/conditioning. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsMedOnline @MomsTEAM Thanks. Let me find the link to my research from college on Pitch Counts in High School Baseball #SportsSafety

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
Kids on multiple SameSportTeams don’t need to do conditioning drills w/ EVERY team. Stresses accumulate->overload/breakdown #SportsSafety

Chris Kromer ‏@ckatc84
@SportsSafety A3: proper use of time. Use it for proper conditioning, refueling, rest and reaching goals. Also be a kid!! #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@MedicalMattATC Would love to see it! I also did study in undergrad I’m working to dig up on my blog.. #SportsSafety

Rapid Performance ‏@RapidSportsGA
@SportsSafety having kids go through some kind of movement screening such as the FMS after the season, before and during. #SportsSafety

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@RapidSportsGA @SportsSafety Would be interested in more research on #FMS in pediatrics #SportsSafety I just did a project recently…

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsMedOnline @MomsTEAM Here’s my study from undergrad.. … #SportsSafety #Baseball #PitchCounts

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@mnhopper1s @RapidSportsGA @SportsSafety I find most kids cannot roll, squat, or obtain quadraped properly. #fundamentals #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
This one’s all about #YSSM2014 Q4: What #SportsSafety/education programs are available (or do you contribute to) for athletes in your area?

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety Unfortunately not a whole lot here that I know of. I’ve attempted, but get no response from youth league.. #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety I’ll have to admit I do not know what #YSSM2014 stands for. #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
#SportsSafety MT @BK1017 STRETCH & take a few days to REST. Be a couch potato one day/wk. Too many patients equate rest with training on own

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@AnEverydayJen @SportsSafety Youth Sports Safety Month 2014 #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety Q4:I AM the sports safety/education program. Inspire Unleash Youth Wellness. I take a ton of heat. I don’t care.#SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety Youth Sports Safety Month!! I got it-Thank you Google! Pretty much confirms I have no info/programs I’m aware of

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
@AnEverydayJen Fair! We have used it to promote Youth Sports Safety Month during April. #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@mnhopper1s @SportsSafety TY!! I feel a little silly but then again it is reason to get it promoted more among parents #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
#SportsSafety MT @cbutlersportsPT Starting a baseball arm care program for adolescent pitchers & high volume throwers for injury prevention

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
About to wrap-up for the evening. Sounds like there is a lot more room for discussion on that last question! #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
SO much great stuff from everyone tonight. The good news is we have another chat coming up Apr. 23rd! #SportsSafety #OnlyATwoWeekWait

Nicholas DiNubile MD ‏@drnickUSA
Q: Anyone have a favorite online site (or an app) for injury prevention info & education resource??? #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety Q4:I typically meet a lot of resistance initially, in the end, I usually get them to see the light. #YSSM2014 #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
One last question: What issues facing youth sports are you interested in discussing during one of these #SportsSafety chats?

Mike Hopper ‏@mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety Next time I’ll have lots of information! Just finished project on high school #cheerleading #SportsSafety #AT4ALL

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Also – as always remember the #SportsSafety tag never rests. Keep up your comments even though we are all out of questions for the eve!

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety I would love to discuss promoting sportsmanship among parents & players to prevent rivalry related injuries #SportsSafety

Chris Butler ‏@cbutlersportsPT
@SportsSafety Enjoyed the discussion, sorry I missed the beginning, look forward to the next. Love your vision #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@drnickUSA Great website: @MomsTEAM @DrDavidGeier and Little league has state concussion laws. I’m still building website. #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety Thank you for hosting. I’m glad I learned some new information and have some new resources to review! #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety softball injuires – pitch count, strengthening. I’m seeing more and more in clinic, overuse mostly. #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety also- how to address that pro-sports is not the same as youth sports, nor should kids mimic what they see on TV #SportsSafety

Chris Butler ‏@cbutlersportsPT
@SportsSafety Return to sport following ACLR #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
Another good read during Youth Sports Safety Month – @TheAMSSM on overuse injuries and burnout: … #SportsSafety

Jen ‏@AnEverydayJen
@SportsSafety Thank you again! Hope to catch you again during the next chat. Take care and have a great night! #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@SportsSafety I love it! Great info, so excited to be a part of it! Photos will only help raise awareness! #allforkids #SportsSafety

Carrie Boan ‏@carrie_boan
@drnickUSA also @SportsSafety has amazing info online, and you can order handouts for clinic covering all sports/injuries #SportsSafety

STOP Sports Injuries ‏@SportsSafety
SO much great stuff from everyone tonight. The good news is we have another chat coming up Apr. 23rd! #SportsSafety #OnlyATwoWeekWait

Remember to join us for the #SportsSafety tweetchats! If you are interested, follow me on Twitter and follow STOP Sports Injuries as well!

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