Tips for safe training in cold weather

The winter months shouldn’t prevent training in cold weather. In addition to helping to improve cardiovascular conditioning, burn calories, and lose weight, exercise during this period can improve overall health. It has been shown that regular exercise can decrease the incidence of common illnesses, such as colds. It has also been suggested that exercise might improve mental health, boost energy, and prevent or reduce depression.

Spending hours in the gym to lift weights or repeatedly use treadmills and elliptical machines can become tiresome, though. With appropriate planning and adherence to some basic clothing and exercise principles, almost anyone can get a great workout outdoors in cold weather.

One tip that many runners suggest is to try to run into the wind initially. If the second half of your run is directed into a strong wind, the air flowing past you can feel extremely cold when your clothes are damp with sweat and cause your body temperature to drop.

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Prepare for exercise in cold weather

You must also recognize signs of hypothermia and frostbite. You should consider training in cold weather with a partner to watch out for each other. Look for loss of feeling, tingling, or loss of color in your face, hands, fingers, and toes that could be signs of developing frostbite. Mental status changes such as confusion or disorientation, slurred speech, and uncontrolled shivering can be signs of impending hypothermia. If you notice any of these changes, you should get into a warmer environment immediately and slowly warm your body and the parts that are affected.

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