Youth and high school sports adjust to the coronavirus

Sports teams around the country are preparing to start summer practices soon. Some youth sports have even started playing games, and even having tournaments, as life gets back to normal.

Much of what is allowed depends on the state, as the national governing bodies for youth sports are leaving COVID-19 plans to the teams, leagues and tournament organizers.

Meanwhile, teenagers who play high school football and other sports will be stepping back on the field or into the weight room in the coming days. Coaches and athletic directors are racing to implement steps to keep the virus from spreading.

Some of the changes you might see include cleaning sports and weight equipment between each athlete’s use, limited weightlifting sessions to no more than six or eight people at a time, coaches wearing masks while spotting athletes, daily temperature checks for each player, even specific footballs for each quarterback during skill practices.

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Also, expect team workouts to be voluntary. Schools and athletic departments will not want to force exposure on players or families at higher risk for COVID-19 complications.

But if these actions seem too strict, the good news is that if we don’t see cases increase, most of these restrictions will likely go away as the summer goes on.

The bottom line is that kids want to play. We need to take whatever steps we can to keep them safe while doing it.

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