School is starting here next week, and I know classes are beginning in the next few weeks across the country. With school comes homework and balancing the time spent doing it with playing sports and spending time with friends and family. How do you have your kids manage their time to do it all? Share your thoughts on Twitter or Facebook!
Book I read this week: David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants
by Malcolm Gladwell. Once again, I’m fascinated by Gladwell’s ability to take a seemingly straightforward topic and look at it in a unique, counterintuitive way. I won’t spoil it for you, but he achieves the same effect here when discussing underdogs. Powerful people or organizations might not be as powerful as we think, and their perceived advantages might actually be weaknesses. And the underdogs might have real advantages that we fail to recognize. Definitely read it!
Book I’m reading next week: The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles
by Steven Pressfield. I recently attended World’s Greatest Speaker Training, which was amazing. At that event, Bo Eason claimed Stephen Pressfield is the world’s best living writer. I realized I have three of Pressfield’s books on my iPad, so I’m going to start one of them. I suspect that this one will hit home for me. Read it along with me!
Let’s get to the articles!
Exercise and Fitness
This sounds like a great idea to make exercise more fun: Is virtual reality the future of fitness? by David Molko in CNN
Doing less and not more is critical in multiple parts of your life: Why You Should Do Less. Or Maybe Even Nothing At All. by Steve Kamb in Nerd Fitness
Youth Sports
Why do you think fewer kids are playing baseball? A Million Kids Stopped Playing Baseball. MLB Wants to Win Them Back by Ira Boudway in Bloomberg
Education of coaches is key: Coaches can be a strong influence in preventing football injuries, say researchers in Medical News Today
Social Media and Communication
Love this! “We stage our lives because the whole world is a stage. Don’t do that.” How to look good on the Internet. by Jon Acuff in
It’s not what you say but how you say it: The Real Trick to Brilliant Writing by Ash Ambirge in The Middle Finger Project
Productivity and Self Improvement
I think technology has only made this problem worse: Memo to work martyrs: Long hours make you less productive by Bob Sullivan in Today
This is a problem I think a lot of us face: The Secret to Increased Productivity: Taking Time Off by Joe Robinson in Entrepreneur
Did you like one of these articles or books? Do you have any others to share? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!
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