What are you doing to avoid trouble while you exercise this summer? Are you training more indoors, or do you train at night or early in the morning? I’d love to hear your exercise changes, whether they are related to location, timing, clothing to more. Touch base on Twitter or Facebook!
Let’s get to this week’s reading!
Book I read this week: What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People
by Joe Navarro. This book is fascinating! I learned so much about body positions, habits and gestures and what they can mean. These are signs I have never even thought about, but Navarro shows how they can signify someone is uncomfortable with what you’re saying, whether they are lying and much more.
Book I’m reading next week: The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
by Charles Duhigg. Yes, I read this book last summer. I read it then out of interest in habits and self improvement. Now I am reading it as I study persuasion.
Maybe knowing that you will look younger will convince some people to eat healthier: Better Than Botox by Chalene Johnson in ChaleneJohnson.com
This is scary: Less Than 3 Percent of Americans Live a Healthy Lifestyle by Robert Preidt in WebMD
Youth Sports
What will have to change to reverse this trend? The Age of Single-Sport Athletes Endures Despite Detractors’ Suspicions in The New York Times
I wrote a newspaper column about him. His message is an important one: Isaiah Renfro quits football, says he’s in better place after getting help in ESPN
Social Media and Communication
If you are going to write articles, record videos or podcasts, you should take some of these steps to get the word out about them: 28 great tactics for promoting online content by Brooke B. Sellas in Ragan
I use Facebook and YouTube for videos. This article offers insight into which might work better for reaching your audience: 3 Ways to Analyze Facebook Video Performance by Doug Schumacher in Social Media Examiner
Productivity and Self Improvement
Eliminate the multi-tasking that is wasting your time, and you have more time to do things you really want to do. Multi-tasking burns more time than you think, but you can get those hours back. by Laura Vanderkam in LauraVanderkam.com
Surround yourself with people who help you grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually: Are Your Friends And Coworkers Killing Your Energy? by Michael Hyatt in MichaelHyatt.com
Did you like one of these articles or books? Do you have any others to share? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!
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