I have been working on some exciting projects over the last few months. I have mentioned the book I have been writing several times. I just submitted the manuscript to the publisher last week! I am also creating a couple of free courses for you. One covers marketing and communication, and I think it will be really helpful for healthcare professionals as you start to share your message with the public. I am also close to finishing a free course on common sports and exercise injuries for healthcare providers in sports medicine, students who want to work in sports medicine one day and anyone who works with athletes and active people, like strength and conditioning trainers. Keep an eye out for more about those free courses here in the next few weeks!
Now let’s get to the books and articles!
Book I read this week: I Will Teach You To Be Rich
by Ramit Sethi. This is a great, step-by-step book of instructions on how to get out of debt, spend without guilt, and save for the future. Just because it is simple doesn’t mean many people will actually follow his recommendations. Having said that, he offers terrific financial advice here!
Book I’m reading next week: Leap First: Creating Work That Matters
by Seth Godin. This is not a book, per se, but an audio lecture that Godin gave to students. You can get it on Audible. I am a big fan of Godin’s daily blog posts, so I’m looking forward to this work.
Sports Medicine
Interesting, and easier, approach to finding the right running shoe: Choosing the Right Running Shoes by Gretchen Reynolds in The New York Times
I think this is a bigger problem than most realize. Bodybuilder Supplement Abuse a Growing Concern by Dennis Thompson in WebMD
With 3.5 million cases of skin cancer each year, we might need ways to monitor or sun exposure. Wearable Devices to Prevent Sunburn by Jennifer Jolly in The New York Times
You probably shouldn’t trade one for the other: Which Is More Important: Sleep or Exercise? by Katie Golde in Greatist
Youth Sports
What do you think explains this drop? Are the kids alright? by Bill King in SportsBusinessDaily.com
I agree with Dr. Casa’s advice in this article. Drinking On A Schedule Not The Same As Encouraging Young Athletes To Over-Drink, Experts Say by Lindsey Barton Straus in momsTEAM
Productivity and Self Improvement
Great tips from a true success: 11 Proven Rules for Success From a Former Navy SEAL by Brent Gleeson in Inc.
A great explanation of why you need to carve out your own path and not look for the quick path: The Secret about Secrets and Shortcuts by Charlie Gilkey in Productive Flourishing
Did you like one of these articles or books? Do you have any others to share? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!
Disclosure: Please note that the links to the books or programs at the beginning of this post are affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. Please understand that I have purchased these books or programs and either have read them or will soon. I recommend them because they are helpful and useful to me and because I feel that they could help many of you. I do not recommend any resources simply because I receive a small commission if you decide to use or purchase any of them. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel that they can help you in your work or personal lives.