Like I did a month or so ago, I am in the middle of a Seth Godin kick, so to speak. I read three of Pressfield’s books back to back, and I loved every one. I am a big fan of Godin’s blog posts, and I loved his audio course Leap First: Creating Work That Matters
(see below). I have decided to read some of his most popular books over the next few weeks. I will include links to them in this post and in The 10 posts over the next few weeks if you want to get them and learn from them along with me!
Here are the articles and Godin’s books for this week!
Book I read this week: Leap First: Creating Work That Matters
by Seth Godin. This audio course is amazing! It is only 2 hours long, but it is filled with months of insightful wisdom. I know I will listen to this one for many years. Given its length and value for anyone who communicates a message to the public, you have no excuse not to get it and listen!
Book I’m reading next week: The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick)
by Seth Godin. I read this book years ago, and it gave me insight on getting through really tough times when tackling huge goals. I can’t wait to read it again!
We often hear about the risks of not drinking enough water. Here is the opposite end of the spectrum: Ask Well: Can You Drink Too Much Water by Gretchen Reynolds in The New York Times
Good list of “danger foods”: 19 “Healthy” Foods You Should Reconsider by Kate Morin in Greatist
Sports Medicine
Maybe this is promising news, but it is likely years away if it works. A concussion pill could prevent brain damage in football players by Mike Orcutt in Mashable
Sports nutrition tips for active adults: 5 Rules for losing weight after 50 – tips from a sports nutritionist (Part 1) by Linda Melone in
Social Media and Communication
The color chart alone makes this article worth reading. Great tips: How to Improve Your Social Media Images in 4 Easy Steps by Rebekah Radice in
Great ideas for content, especially if you have an audience who like sports, like I do. How to Create Content for Sports Fans by Kylie Ora Lobell in Convince & Convert
Productivity and Self Improvement
Love this! “It’s not whether the glass is half empty or half full, it’s who is pouring the water.” 20 Mark Cuban Quotes to Knock Your Socks Off by John Brandon in
These all come down to being courteous to others. Great, great points: 30 Things People (You) Need To Stop Doing Right Now by Ryan Holiday in Thought Catalog
Did you like one of these articles or books? Do you have any others to share? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!
Disclosure: Please note that the links to the books or programs at the beginning of this post are affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. Please understand that I have purchased these books or programs and either have read them or will soon. I recommend them because they are helpful and useful to me and because I feel that they could help many of you. I do not recommend any resources simply because I receive a small commission if you decide to use or purchase any of them. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel that they can help you in your work or personal lives.