Is it possible to replace a trimmed meniscus tear?

Many patients with pain from a meniscus tear opt to undergo surgery. The surgical treatment options are either a meniscus repair or partial meniscectomy. In this Ask Dr. Geier video, I discuss trimming out part of the meniscus and whether replacing the torn portion is possible.

Antonio asks on Twitter:
@DrDavidGeier Hey Doc, is it possible to replace a trimmed meniscus?

Partial meniscectomy is the technical term for the surgery in which the orthopedic surgeon trims out the torn portion of the meniscus. Most meniscus tears require this procedure as opposed to a meniscus repair because of the location and type of tear.

Long-term effects of meniscus trimming surgery

Patients often worry about the long-term effects of trimming out some of the shock absorber in the knee. Arthritis in the knee years later can develop. As orthopedic surgeons, we still generally allow patients to resume all physical activities despite that possible degeneration down the road.

Also read:
Meniscus tears: Surgery to trim out the tear

Is a meniscus transplant possible for a trimmed meniscus?

If the tear and surgery to treat it required the surgeon to remove most of the meniscus, there is a meniscus allograft transplantation procedure that can be done. It is typically performed on younger patients with minimal wear-and-tear on the articular cartilage within the knee.

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Also read:
Answers to your questions about surgery to trim out a meniscus tear

In this video, I explain what a meniscal allograft transplantation involves and what factors go into deciding if a patient with a trimmed meniscus might be a candidate for that surgery.

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