If you’re one of the millions of people who experience lower back pain, then this video is for you.

I discuss some of the most common exercises that can increase low back pain and how to avoid them.

My name is Dr. David Geier – orthopedic surgeon, sports medicine specialist, and anti-aging and regenerative medicine expert. I help you feel, look and perform your best, regardless of age or injury.


If you have ever suffered from low back pain, you know how hard it can be to exercise. But not all exercises in the weight room are equal. Some put more stress and strain on your lumbar spine than others. Knowing how to avoid this extra stress can allow you to continue exercising while avoiding making the problem worse.

Stomach crunches and sit-ups

These exercises can cause back pain because they put pressure on the spine. Instead of doing these exercises, there are a number of different exercises to strengthen your core that don’t hurt your lower back, and they can actually be helpful in preventing you from developing pain in the future.

Back extensions

If you have lower back pain, it’s important to avoid exercises that put stress on your spine. Back extensions are an example of such a move.

Back extensions involve lying face down on a bench or mat with the legs straight out behind you and then lifting the upper body off the floor using only your lower back muscles (the erector spinae). This exercise can cause low back pain and injury if done incorrectly or without proper supervision by a physical therapist or trainer who knows how to modify this movement for those with certain conditions like spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spine), herniated discs, and degenerative disc disease.


Deadlifts are a great exercise, but they can be dangerous for people with lower back pain. Deadlifts work your hamstrings and glutes, as well as the muscles in your lower back. When you lift weights during deadlifts, however, there’s a risk that some of these muscles will tighten up or become strained-especially the muscles in your lower back. With perfect form, deadlifts shouldn’t put too much stress on your back, but once you have low back pain, even deadlifts performed correctly can cause discomfort.

This is why it’s important to listen to your body when doing any type of exercise: If something feels off or painful during deadlifts (or any other exercise), stop immediately!

Barbell squats

Barbell squats are a great exercise for the quads and glutes, but the axial load of the weight on your spine might not be great for lower back pain. There are a number of exercises that can strengthen your legs that don’t place this kind of stress on your lumbar spine.

Not all exercises are good for people with back pain.

Don’t do any exercises that hurt your back, or cause more pain than you had before you started the exercise. If this happens, stop the exercise immediately and find another one that won’t cause more pain in your lower back (and other parts of your body).

These exercises aren’t inherently bad, and all of these exercises can be done safely if you know how to avoid putting extra stress on your lower back. Often, a physical therapist can watch you do them and show you how to modify them to avoid causing pain. Or they can show you exercises that work the same areas without making your low back pain worse.


In conclusion, it’s important to know which exercises are safe for your back and which ones aren’t. If you have lower back pain and want to start exercising again, it is best to consult with a physical therapist or doctor before doing so.

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