Many people – and maybe you – love to lift weights as part of your exercise routine. If you suffer a lower body injury, like a foot or ankle injury or a knee injury, or you suffer an upper extremity injury, like a shoulder injury, you might wonder when you can get back in the gym. In this video, I explain some of the general rules regarding lifting weights and when and how you can do it safely after an injury.
The strict amount of time you must wait after an injury or surgery will vary greatly depending on exactly what the injury is. Having said that, there are almost always ways to work other body parts while avoiding stress on the injured area.

In this video, I explain some of the ways to work out and lift weights after both upper and lower extremity injuries. I also talk about how to progress your weightlifting to avoid damaging the injured area.
Remember, always talk to your doctor for specific questions about lifting weights and recovering from your particular injury.
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