I helped to moderate a STOP Sports Injuries tweetchat July 9, 2013. This month we decided to focus on catastrophic injuries and the evaluation and treatment of them in sports. The post below is a summary of that discussion.
For those of you unfamiliar with tweetchats, people answer questions posed by the moderator and comment on other tweets using the hashtag specified – in this case #SportsSafety. It often starts slowly, but it can become difficult to follow when many people get involved and respond to many different questions and comments. This month’s chat was especially lively with tweets from great minds all over the world!
If you enjoy fast-paced discussions about important sports medicine, healthcare, and social media topics, join us for future #SportsSafety tweetchats. We usually hold these chats on the second Wednesday of each month. The next #SportsSafety tweetchat will take place on Wednesday, August 14 at 9 PM ET.
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
About to get started with the July #SportsSafety chat – emergency response to youth sports injuries. Broad topic we will try in an hour!
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
If you are joining us tonight, give us a shout to let us know you are here and remember to use the #SportsSafety tag.
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
We are happy to again welcome @DrDavidGeier to the chat – be sure to give him a follow if you don’t already. #SportsSafety
S_Iorio_ATC @SIorio_ATC
@SportsSafety pay attention to this account tonight!!! #GreatInfo #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
@SIorio_ATC Welcome – and thanks! #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety Excited to be here! Should be a topic important to all of us in sports medicine. And athletes, parents & coaches #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Let’s get going! Q1: What kinds of injuries need the most immediate attention from first responders at youth sporting events? #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
A1: I think cervical spine & head injuries draw the most attention. But heat stroke, cardiac issues & more can be catastrophic #SportsSafety
jb humphrey @PT_ATC_CSCS
@DrDavidGeier Noteworthy ones, also, asthma/SOB, direct chest trauma (ie ball or body) and ankle dislocations can turn dangerous quickly.
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@BWW_ATC @SportsSafety Hey Bobby! I know you have dealt with serious on-field injuries. How many athletes spine boarded?? #SportsSafety
Terri Reynolds @TerriReynolds12
#sportssafety concussions and blood
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@SportsSafety Response to an unconscious athlete, Head/Neck injuries. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
#SportsSafety RT @kcppt @SportsSafety Head and Spine injuries top our list!
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @BWW_ATC 37s @SportsSafety Response to an unconscious athlete, Head/Neck injuries. #SportsSafety
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety Spine boarded at least 15. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
For Q1, spine, head (especially #concussion) and neck injuries lead the answers. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@TerriReynolds12 Blood is a big one. Definitely needs urgent eval & treatment #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
To follow-up, Q2: How should young athletes be evaluated & treated in situations where catastrophic injury may be at play? #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@BWW_ATC @SportsSafety You could probably teach a hands-on course. Seriously. Impressive, unfortunately #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
#SportsSafety MT @PT_ATC_CSCS Noteworthy ones, asthma/SOB, direct chest trauma (ie ball or body) and ankle dislocations can turn dangerous.
S_Iorio_ATC @SIorio_ATC
@SportsSafety a must post injury #SportsSafety
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@SIorio_ATC @DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety I have definitely had my share of them. 2 of them on ice covering hockey. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@PT_ATC_CSCS Very true. Many medical/organ injuries/illnesses we didn’t mention but should #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety A2: I think you initially evaluate and treat much like trauma patient – Airway, Breathing, Circulation… #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
@DrDavidGeier @PT_ATC_CSCS And good topics to address in more depth at some point. #SportsSafety
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@SportsSafety In most cases should leave field via EMS in route to hospital for eval by emergency physicians. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety @PT_ATC_CSCS Agree. Maybe get medical specialists in for different chats. I know I could learn more about those #SportsSafety
LeeAnne Ketchen @LKetchen14ATC
@BWW_ATC @DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety Just this year? #sportssafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
RT @BWW_ATC @SportsSafety In most cases should leave field via EMS in route to hospital for eval by emergency physicians. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety @BWW_ATC I know we need to talk about EMS and ED’s more but that is such a critical point. #SportsSafety
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@LKetchen14ATC @DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety Thankfully NO. Got that total over an 9 year period. #SportsSafety
jb humphrey @PT_ATC_CSCS
@DrDavidGeier Yes, kehr’s sign doesn’t offer photo ops like spine backboarding. Kidney bruises, genital trauma high frequency. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Continuing with Q3: What personnel – at least in an ideal world – should be present on the sidelines at youth sporting events? #SportsSafety
S_Iorio_ATC @SIorio_ATC
@SportsSafety Ortho and EMT’s in a perfect world but in mine it’s just me and an iPhone #SportsSafety
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety One of the first things I do before @Chas_Battery games is look for and confirm the EMS is there. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@PT_ATC_CSCS And to be fair, orthopaedic surgeons are probably not that familiar with those injuries. We send them to ED’s #SportsSafety
LeeAnne Ketchen @LKetchen14ATC
@BWW_ATC @DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety was going to say thats a lot-I had one this year w ice hockey, only one I saw all season #sportssafety
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@SportsSafety Athletic Trainer, MD, and EMS on standby. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety A3: Ideally presence of EMS/ambulance would be guaranteed. But governments often lack manpower, money, resources #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
@SIorio_ATC May not be a perfect world but your presence certainly helps! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
#SportsSafety RT @DaveLagow now @SportsSafety ATC for sidelines, MD, EMT in perfect world
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@LKetchen14ATC @DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety Only 2 from 5 seasons of ice hockey. Others were football and soccer #SportsSafety
LeeAnne Ketchen @LKetchen14ATC
@BWW_ATC @SportsSafety agreed Athletic Trainer, more than one, MD/fellows and EMS there or on standby. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@BWW_ATC I interviewed EMS director for article. We always want EMS present, but it just isn’t possible in many situations #SportsSafety
jb humphrey @PT_ATC_CSCS
@SIorio_ATC @SportsSafety Good ratio of athletes to coaches with safety awareness/perception. They know their players best. #SportsSafety
S_Iorio_ATC @SIorio_ATC
@SportsSafety thank you very much. I love what I do and do it to to the fullest everyday. #SportsSafety
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@LKetchen14ATC @SportsSafety My biggest fear with ice hockey is a skate cut because we don’t have ability for EMS on standby. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
#SportsSafety MT @LKetchen14ATC @BWW_ATC @DrDavidGeier all medical staff has to be on same page #mocksituations with personnel is #important
Nirmala Perera @Nim_Perera
@SportsSafety @LKetchen14ATC @BWW_ATC @DrDavidGeier yes, safety drills and upskilling staff is imparative #SportsSafety
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@DrDavidGeier I know. Glad we are required to have it for Pro sports. Not enough trucks to go around. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@LKetchen14ATC @BWW_ATC Great point, LeeAnne. Planning, practice are critically important! #SportsSafety
LeeAnne Ketchen @LKetchen14ATC
@DrDavidGeier @BWW_ATC having a good rapport w EMS, team physicians, fellows, medical staff etc is so crucial #samepage #SportsSafety
S_Iorio_ATC @SIorio_ATC
@PT_ATC_CSCS @SportsSafety I agree. I want to cover outside practices/games for extra income but hate not knowing my athletes. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
A lot of talk about prep and planning that going into the eventual injury response which leads to the next topic. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Q4: Do youth sports orgs you work with have emergency action plans in place for injuries – and what should be a part of these? #SportsSafety
Ronald Masone Jr. @RonMasone
@SportsSafety most organizations don’t have any concrete plan. Most communication by walkie talkie. #stonage #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety A4: I’m curious what others have seen. I think formal plans are not as common as they should be. Am I wrong? #SportsSafety
S_Iorio_ATC @SIorio_ATC
@SportsSafety I have youth camps in my college setting now, so I have my EAP’s already prepared for the same locations #SportsSafety
Nirmala Perera @Nim_Perera
@SportsSafety we have concussion guidelines for #AFL in place in Australia. Great tool for trainers #Sportssafety
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety I think your right. Most of the bigger Orgs have EAPs in place. #SportsSafety
LeeAnne Ketchen @LKetchen14ATC
@BWW_ATC @DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety I would agree with that statement- or have them for liability issues but don’t utilize them properly
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
#SportsSafety RT @Nim_Perera we have concussion guidelines for #AFL in place in Australia. Great tool for trainers #Sportssafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
#SportsSafety MT @PT_ATC_CSCS Medical staff works best with sound coaches on the sidelines. Knowing your athletes is an advantage for ATC’s.
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
#SportsSafety RT @DaveLagow @SportsSafety luckily, yes there are EAPs. Unfortunately, there is not the staffing we’ve already talked about
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety equipment, comms, who’s in charge, EMS policy
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
#SportsSafety MT @Nim_Perera player/coach education is also important. I find that most players want to continue play despite injury
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@SportsSafety Cooperation, collaboration with adult/pediatric emergency dept is key. Ability to call, get athletes in is huge #SportsSafety
jb humphrey @PT_ATC_CSCS
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety That’s a huge teaching opportunity for pre-season mtg in non-emergency situation gets everyone aware of skills.
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Great discussion tonight, folks. Before we put out the last question, a thanks to everyone for joining! #SportsSafety
Nirmala Perera @Nim_Perera
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety not that common at grass root level but there are some at elite level – depends what sport! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
Let’s end with Q5: What one part of emergency care of athletes would you like to see improved – in your program or generally? #SportsSafety
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety Exactly.One of the best things we ever did was get ED physicians involved. Have them on speed dial #SportsSafety
LeeAnne Ketchen @LKetchen14ATC
@SportsSafety communication, urgency and follow-up care importance #SportsSafety
Ronald Masone Jr. @RonMasone
@SportsSafety Educating the medical staff so everyone is on the same page is the most critical aspect of emergency care #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety A5: Concussion management! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
#SportsSafety MT @Nim_Perera more resources in place, collaboration across organisation, effective protocols to manage emergency
jb humphrey @PT_ATC_CSCS
@SportsSafety Good chat. Thanks for hosting, and offering feed for reference in social media climate. #SportsSafety
S_Iorio_ATC @SIorio_ATC
@PT_ATC_CSCS @SportsSafety HUGE advantage. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
We could have several chats on this monthly! RT @mnhopper1s @SportsSafety A5: Concussion management! #SportsSafety
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@SportsSafety Communication. Make sure everyone knows their roll when it comes to managing sports emergencies. #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety @DrDavidGeier Sorry I was late tonight.. catching up on some of the questions here.. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
@PT_ATC_CSCS Always enjoy it – good to have you again. #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@PT_ATC_CSCS @SportsSafety Agree. This has been one of my favorite topics so far! #SportsSafety
Dr. David Geier @DrDavidGeier
@mnhopper1s @SportsSafety No worries. I have to bail, though. Leaving early tomorrow for the @AOSSM_SportsMed Annual Meeting! #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
We are wrapping up tonight’s #SportsSafety chat, but no need to stop your tweets now – always a great forum for conversation!
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety EMS transport must be immediate. Only time to delay EMS is in case of heat stroke where cooling must be 1st #SportsSafety
S_Iorio_ATC @SIorio_ATC
@SportsSafety EMT/EMS not removing my vacuum splint to put a white towel with a “chemical ice pack” around a dislocated ankle #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety @AOSSM_SportsMed Enjoy your conference! #SportsSafety
Nirmala Perera @Nim_Perera
@SportsSafety great chat and thanks for hosting. Social media plays a key role in getting the message across #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SIorio_ATC @SportsSafety kinda important.. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
A reminder that our August #SportsSafety chat is back to Wednesday on August 14th – same time 9 PM ET/ 8 CT.
Bobby Weisenberger @BWW_ATC
@SportsSafety Thanks again. It was fun. Great Topic #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
@LKetchen14ATC Thanks for stopping in LeeAnne! Hope to see you next month. #SportsSafety
STOP Sports Injuries @SportsSafety
@Nim_Perera Always enjoy these…and so true. Hope to see you again next month! #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety MD/DO, EMS standby, adequate AT coverage..
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@DrDavidGeier @PT_ATC_CSCS #SportsSafety That’s why I love having two general practitioners on my sideline for FB.. can cover a lot of bases
jb humphrey @PT_ATC_CSCS
@mnhopper1s @DrDavidGeier Using a Handheld device, so just seeing this… 2 GP’s are a great asset for medical issues and athlete health.
Nirmala Perera @Nim_Perera
.@SportsSafety that’s 11am EST for those in Australia #SportsSafety
Nirmala Perera @Nim_Perera
@SportsSafety Looking forward to it. #SportsSafety
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@SportsSafety #SportsSafety I actually have MD and DO, myself (AT) on sideline, EMS on standby, at least 1 nurse +radiology tech in stand
Mike Hopper @mnhopper1s
@BWW_ATC @DrDavidGeier @SportsSafety yeah had to assure him they would show up by gametime. Not mandatory here unfortunately..#SportsSafety
Remember to join us for the #SportsSafety tweetchats! If you are interested, follow me on Twitter and follow STOP Sports Injuries as well!