In this video, we will discuss treating your shoulder pain on your own with rest and home exercises versus working with a physical therapist or seeing an orthopedic surgeon.

My name is Dr. David Geier – orthopedic surgeon, sports medicine specialist, and anti-aging and regenerative medicine expert. I help you feel, look and perform your best, regardless of age or injury.

Getting shoulder pain can be frustrating. You might feel like it’s hard to do the things you normally do, like exercise, play sports, or even simple things like comb your hair, put on a shirt, or get milk out of the refrigerator.

But don’t worry. There are several different options you can try that can help you get back on track, and we’re going to talk about three of them today: rest and home exercises, physical therapy, and seeing an orthopedic surgeon.

Rest and home exercises are often recommended as a first line of treatment for shoulder pain. They’re easy to do at home or while relaxing at night, but they can also help reduce inflammation, improve range of motion, and build strength in your muscles so you can gradually start doing what you want to do.

Physical therapy is another great option for anyone with shoulder pain because it focuses on identifying and treating the root cause of your pain instead of just reducing symptoms with medication or other therapies. Physical therapists will teach you how to avoid putting pressure on your injured area while still maintaining mobility in your neck and back muscles so they don’t become tight from overuse during everyday activities like lifting groceries or carrying bags from work every day.

Finally, you can see an orthopedic surgeon. Now many simple shoulder injuries, like muscle strains, might improve without you seeing an orthopedic surgeon. But for more serious injuries and conditions like fractures, dislocations, rotator cuff tears, labral tears and more, rest and even physical therapy are often not enough to heal the injury. An orthopedic surgeon can order x-rays and/or an MRI to figure out the nature and severity of the injury and suggest treatments that can be appropriate, including a brace or sling, physical therapy, injection, or even surgery.

We are looking for 5 patients with shoulder pain who want to get significantly better in the next 30 days, without cortisone shots, physical therapy, or surgery. Click this link and enter the term ‘Interested’ in the description box to learn more.