I just returned from speaking at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine’s Annual Meeting in Dallas. I really enjoyed it, and I met so many terrific people who work in sports medicine. Hopefully I can share some of what I learned and introduce you to some of the people I met here soon!
Let’s get to some terrific articles and books!
Book I read this week: The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time
by Arianna Huffington. This excellent book presents tons of evidence showing you just how harmful a lack of sleep is to your health, work and happiness. It also offers practical advice on how you can improve your sleep – and your life. Plus, Arianna quotes me in the section on sleep and athletic performance!
Book I’m reading next week: Personal Story Power by Bo Eason. This is an audio program, not a book. I have heard Bo speak in person. His ability to tell a story and captivate an audience is incredible, so I am excited to learn from him.
Sports Medicine
I believe ACL injury prevention programs work, but athletes need to use them regularly while they play sports: The Effects of an Injury Prevention Program on Landing Biomechanics Over Time by Lindsay J. DiStefano, Stephen W. Marshall, Darin A. Padua, Karen Y. Peck, Anthony I. Beutler, Sarah J. de la Motte, Barnett S. Frank, Jessica C. Martinez, and Kenneth L. Cameron in The American Journal of Sports Medicine
Athletic trainers, what do you think? Is there a glass ceiling for female athletic trainers? by Kami Mattioli in Sporting News
Another great reason to sleep more: Ask Well: More Sleep, Fewer Colds? by Roni Caryn Rabin in The New York Times
I’m asked by older patients (and patients who aren’t old) how they can take care of their knees and hips all the time: Knee and Hip Replacement for OA: The Facts in WebMD
Exercise and Fitness
I used to do this exercise all the time, so I need to get back to it: The Best Total-Body Workout That You’re Probably Not Doing by Dominique Astorino in PopSugar.com
The creep…This article nails it about a huge problem with healthy habits: A common habit that stops results (and you won’t know it until it’s too late) by Linda Melone in LindaMelone.com
Social Media and Communication
As someone who just submitted the second draft of my book manuscript to my publisher, I know some of these issues are real: How To Be A Successful Author: Smash Through 7 Writing Roadblocks by John Yeoman in Write to Done
I’ve always wondered why people (fortunately not many) feel the need to act like this in social media: What Motivates an Internet Troll? The Science Behind the Internet’s Least Favorite People by Carly Stec in HubSpot
Did you like one of these articles or books? Do you have any others to share? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!
Disclosure: Please note that the links to the books or programs at the beginning of this post are affiliate links. At no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. Please understand that I have purchased these books or programs and either have read them or will soon. I recommend them because they are helpful and useful to me and because I feel that they could help many of you. I do not recommend any resources simply because I receive a small commission if you decide to use or purchase any of them. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel that they can help you in your work or personal lives.