In this video, we are talking about knee arthritis.
Knee arthritis is a common condition that affects the bones and cartilage of the knee joint. In this video, we’ll be looking at some of the most common symptoms of knee arthritis. We’ll also explore how to manage these symptoms and ways of preventing them in the future.
My name is Dr. David Geier – orthopedic surgeon, sports medicine specialist, and anti-aging and regenerative medicine expert. I help you feel, look and perform your best, regardless of age or injury.
People with osteoarthritis of the knee often notice pain before any other symptom. Unlike pain from a meniscus tear or other cause of knee pain, osteoarthritis generally causes a pain diffusely throughout the knee, as the condition affects the cartilage and bone in all parts of the knee. Occasionally the pain can be worse on the medial, or inside, side of the knee, or along the lateral, or outside, side of the knee. Pain typically gets worse as the disease process advances. And pain is generally worse with weight-bearing activities.
Generally people with osteoarthritis of the knee have mild swelling rather than significant swelling often seen in traumatic injuries like ACL tears. And as the condition advances, osteoarthritis causes less and less swelling.
Decreased range of motion
Osteoarthritis gradually makes it harder for a patient to fully straighten the knee, or to fully bend it. Initially the pain from knee arthritis limits motion, but eventually the disease process itself keeps the patient from having full knee range of motion.
The pain from weightbearing frequently causes someone with knee arthritis to put more weight on the opposite lower extremity, leading to a limp, or what orthopedic surgeons call an antalgic gait. As this pain and altered gait advance, patients with knee arthritis often require assistive devices like a cane or walker to walk more than a few steps.
Difficulty performing exercise or desired activities
Possibly the biggest challenge with knee arthritis is that affected patients struggle to do what they love to do, whether it’s running or other forms or exercise, playing sports, or just doing their day-to-day activities, like going up and down the stairs, playing with their kids or grandkids, or carrying groceries.
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