Better Than Ever Daily

106. Many orthopedic surgeries no better for patients than non-surgical treatments


Injuries to Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson and the role of the NBA regular season

Ask Dr. Geier

Why is it hard to play soccer with a torn ACL?

Ask Dr. Geier

Does a non-athlete need surgery for a torn ACL?

Ask Dr. Geier

When can you start bending your knee after ACL surgery?

Ask Dr. Geier

Does a young athlete need a brace after ACL surgery?

Ask Dr. Geier

When can I run after ACL surgery?

Ask Dr. Geier

Does a partial ACL tear need surgery?

Ask Dr. Geier

What is the future of my knee 20 years after ACL surgery?

Ask Dr. Geier

How can I get my knee straight after ACL surgery?

Ask Dr. Geier

Can you play sports with a torn ACL?

Ask Dr. Geier

What does prehab involve before ACL surgery?