Injury Locator

Rotator cuff tear: Signs, symptoms and current treatments

Ask Dr. Geier

Where is the pain located with a torn rotator cuff?

Ask Dr. Geier

What are three treatment options for shoulder pain?

Ask Dr. Geier

What are 3 common traumatic shoulder injuries?

Ask Dr. Geier

How do I know if I tore something in my shoulder?

Ask Dr. Geier

Will a cortisone shot help arthritis in the shoulder?

Ask Dr. Geier

How do I know if my shoulder pain is from my rotator cuff?

Ask Dr. Geier

What are red flags for shoulder pain?

Ask Dr. Geier

What are warning signs of a rotator cuff tear?

Ask Dr. Geier

Can shoulder pain heal on its own?

Ask Dr. Geier

How can I tell if shoulder pain is serious?

Ask Dr. Geier

What is the best treatment for shoulder pain?